Whose body is this???

on 9/14/11 11:52 am - Sudbury, Canada
Hi everyone.  Over the last few weeks I have been noticing big differences in my body.  Of course I have been, that was the whole point of having this surgery, right?!?  Well I am having a hard time adjusting to hip bones, a rib cage, collar bones and my knees pressing up against each other when I am trying to sleep on my side.  I really didn't think I'd have such a hard time mentally with this.  It's really strange for me to be able to feel these bones.  Even sex is different because of the lack of cushioning. (Sorry, TMI).  Sometimes it's just painful.  I am hoping I can wrap my head around all these changes soon.  I guess this is what they mean when they say your brain takes time to catch up to your body.  Thanks for listening everyone. :)
on 9/14/11 11:59 am - Cambridge, Canada
 Hey there, had surgery a week before you and having all the same thoughts.  
The knees at night is very strange.  
I still don't see what other people see.  But it will all come in good time.  This will be our new normal!
It takes our brains time to catch up to the new us.  


Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

on 9/14/11 12:03 pm - Sudbury, Canada
Thanks Char!  It's a strange thing.  On one hand I am excited about the changes but on the other hand I think I am sort of mourning the old me.  I'm glad to know that I am not alone! :)
on 9/14/11 12:07 pm - Toronto, Canada
I can't wait for collar bones again!  Try a pillow between your knees for sleeping. I am sure with time you will adjust. Why not try a new position with you on top so you can control things so it's not painful for you.
Monica M.
on 9/14/11 8:16 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
i was thinking the same thing last night. It's difficult to sleep on my side wiht my knees together... weird.

i keep touching my collarbones. and my shoulders. ... odd, indeed.
on 9/15/11 12:36 am
I couldn't get comfortable last night - let's call it knocking knees syndrom lol.  i find it hurts me more on the left than the right side.
Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

(deactivated member)
on 9/14/11 8:41 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
Knees knocking together hurts like hell and the body never seems to adjust to it. I'm almost 6 years out and they still hurt so a pillow or my duvet tucked between my knees seems to do the trick.  Need to replace the cushion that used to be on them.
Mariann M.
on 9/14/11 8:55 pm, edited 9/14/11 8:55 pm - Washago , Canada
When it comes to sleeping I use a body pillow, I got mine from Wal-mart for 15 bucks.
I also find it strange the whole new body thing, I sometimes miss all my old curves but then I remember how uncomfortable I really was with them.
As for sex I can totally relate, I find it very uncomfortable, I find that now there is all that missing padding my dh is very well in dowd, thus making it a very new experiance. And we have been together for 12 years. No wonder I became pregnant so early out.  lol 

on 9/14/11 11:07 pm - Canada
Are you in my head???  I seem not to be comfortable in my skin lately....bones here..bones there.. and to get my head around not going directly to the  plus size section of a store is crazy..i find i bruise more.. and yes.. my hair is falling out.. but do you know what.. yeeeehawwww!!!  isn't it great!!!.. i breathe better,,  sleep better,,better attitude..it was well worth it..wasn't it ,, of course it was.. as the changes occur.. it will take time to adjust.. i would rather feel the bones than wait the 5-10 minutes for the feeling to come back in my limbs after sleeping the "wrong" way!.. I sit here and read alot of posts and think.. wow.. that's me..and that is going on with me.. that too..i feel a camaraderie with you all..

here's to continued success people    CHEERS!!!!
on 9/14/11 11:30 pm - Canada
I had a thought re the painful sex for the couple of you who have remarked on the change ...

I wonder if it's possible that the release of estrogen from our fat cells is having the effect of drying you out a bit, making intercourse a little more uncomfortable?

I know when I went into menopause (back at age 36) I suddenly had trouble with the heretofore funnest part of my life, and wondered what was wrong with me.
Well, it turned out that I was drying out like an old prune.
Once the hormones got balanced again, I became a little better lubricated and I could enjoy myself again.

That having been said - I have to agree with all of you re the new feeling of our bones being a little ... odd.
I can't get used to a certain amount of discomfort when sitting on a hard surface now - I never felt my tailbone before now, and this is a wierd sensation!
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