A few of my LEAST favorite things. (long)

on 9/13/11 12:39 pm, edited 9/13/11 3:27 pm - Canada
 It sounds like you are having a rough time.  Thank you for sharing your reality with us.  I echo what everyone has said, and I have two suggestions, one of which is easy and one of which you might think I am crazy for even suggesting:

First, the easy one. Start writing down ALL your NSVs.  Search them out like a bloodhound. Did you bend over today to pick up a lucky penny, whereas before you wouldn't have considered even breaking your stride and slowing down for anything less than a $20?  Making your NSVs real and tangible by writing them down can be a powerful tool and it can speak to you when the little voice inside your head starts talking about what you have given up or lost. See your list of NSVs for the incontrovertible sign of victory that it is and acknowledge it.  Post it and let us celebrate with you.   It is easy to miss the miracles around you when you have the grief of the losses of your old comfort zone keeping your eyes downcast.

Can you also acknowledge that by mere virtue of going through the process to get this far on your journey to health means you have an inner strength and bravery that cannot be denied?  You have started a process of redefining how you see yourself and how the world sees you.  I would be the brave person you are and make it obvious. I would take the most painful part of this experience and make it into a sign of victory.

Here is the second suggestion:  You acknowledge that you love your hair, and watching it fall out is devastating for you.  I would shave my head.  The weekend to end women's cancers was just last week.  I am sure you probably know someone who still needs to raise pledges, or raise some yourself to honour someone in your life who has been touched by disease.  You would contribute to a good cause and every time you look in the mirror, you won't see loss.  You will see victory and bravery and an amazing example for your children that says "it's not about how you look, it's about being healthy and contributing to society."  As a side effect, I would think that such a radical step could also have a positive impact on your ability to accept your new body, which we will probably all struggle with at some point.  I know when I look in the mirror, at first I see a wrinkle dog staring back at me.  On second glance, I notice that it is actually  a saggy stubborn bulldog!

It's just a thought.  It might be a viable tool for you to break out of your discomfort, it might not. (Actually, I may have just talked myself into shaving my head when my hair loss starts...lol.  I figure I was brave enough to get naked on table and let some guy rearrange my plumbing, this after having not eaten in three weeks.  After that, how bad can it be to take a "little" off the top?)

If you decide to go for it, PM me your contact info...I'll send a pledge.

Hang in there!

on 9/13/11 1:50 pm - Canada
on 9/14/11 9:02 am - Guelph, Canada
Thank you Dollface, and thank you, thank you, thank you to all the successful veterans who have responded!

It is so reassuring to see that, even though you may hit a rough patch a few months out, you can get through it and succeed.

Thank you!!!

on 9/15/11 5:08 am
Cry away most of us have been there
Pills -I use a day box mornig and night
hair BComplex in liquid form best thing ever my hair is awesome again even better now at 50 that it was 5 years ago 3 years prior to surgery
Baskin Robbins has several flavors of Sugar free ice cream I occasionally have one although the longer I am out I find the less I want it.
I always go back to "nothing will ever tastes at good as a size 4-5 feels
Jan              2.8 pounds below goal  
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