Can Strictures Heal Themselves???
Here's my story:
On Tues it will be 6 wks since my RNY and I have been living on liquids. Everytime I tried something with a thicker consistancy than a liquid I was vomitting and surgeon booked me for a scope on Sept 12th as he felt I had a stricture and didn't want to do anything unless was having trouble keeping hydrated until 6wks out.
Well, I have been hungry and trying bits here and there with no sucess just keep tossing everything up. Well yesterday I ate little bits of food all day long and it stayed down!!!! Not to mention they were soft solids I am hoping it has repaired itself and I won't have to do the scope on the 12th will have to see how things continue to go...but I am hoping it's onward success with eatting from here on in as the past 5 and half weeks have been hell.
Was thinking about it last night and I have been living on liquids for the past almost 9 weeks!!!!! First 3 were optifast and then 6 since surgery....not to mention I even got to where water wouldn't stay down and ended up in emerg with dehydration.
But all in all I must say although I have had a ruff go and gotten frustrated with things my scale is showing my success and I am loving my new clothes and especially my RNY and my fresh start at a new journey is just beginning but I am loving every minute of it!!!!!!
I also want to thanks everyone on here for your support this page is wonderful and it's nice to have others to chat to
On Tues it will be 6 wks since my RNY and I have been living on liquids. Everytime I tried something with a thicker consistancy than a liquid I was vomitting and surgeon booked me for a scope on Sept 12th as he felt I had a stricture and didn't want to do anything unless was having trouble keeping hydrated until 6wks out.
Well, I have been hungry and trying bits here and there with no sucess just keep tossing everything up. Well yesterday I ate little bits of food all day long and it stayed down!!!! Not to mention they were soft solids

Was thinking about it last night and I have been living on liquids for the past almost 9 weeks!!!!! First 3 were optifast and then 6 since surgery....not to mention I even got to where water wouldn't stay down and ended up in emerg with dehydration.
But all in all I must say although I have had a ruff go and gotten frustrated with things my scale is showing my success and I am loving my new clothes and especially my RNY and my fresh start at a new journey is just beginning but I am loving every minute of it!!!!!!
I also want to thanks everyone on here for your support this page is wonderful and it's nice to have others to chat to

Heal itself? Not so sure about that. BUT.... some people just take a long time to be able to "eat" again. It sounds like you're on an upswing, which is wonderful news. Keep trying to eat soft proteins, take a look at your centre's food guide and go from there. Hopefully your body has finally worked out the new guts.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Yes, sometimes. A stricture is basically scar tissue, and it can soften over time. I don't know if you should be testing it with soft solids if you haven't had established success with purees, but I would "test it" by trying to eat a meal of purees or something like cottage cheese. Start with a 1/4 cup Eat it very slowly, and if it stays down, at a later time try 1/4 cup of pureed vegetable like butternut squash (can use baby food that has NSA) and if that stays down later try 1/4 cup of tuna that has been pureed with a little light mayo or yogurt.
Hi Jenn,
When I talked to Dr. Klein last he said that "I should continue to try eating as "strictures can soften over time" and the need for a scope may not be necessary."
The stricture itself is hardened scar tissue that has formed during the healing process and when they do the scope they go in and stretch it open with a small balloon instrument. Sometimes if a stricture is formed before 6 weeks out they may have to do the procedure twice. After 6 weeks the procedure is usually only required once and sometimes not at all due to the softening of the scar tissue from healing.
I would call Dr. Klein's office on tuesday and speak to them and see what they want you to do. I hope that everything has fixed itself for you.
When I talked to Dr. Klein last he said that "I should continue to try eating as "strictures can soften over time" and the need for a scope may not be necessary."
The stricture itself is hardened scar tissue that has formed during the healing process and when they do the scope they go in and stretch it open with a small balloon instrument. Sometimes if a stricture is formed before 6 weeks out they may have to do the procedure twice. After 6 weeks the procedure is usually only required once and sometimes not at all due to the softening of the scar tissue from healing.
I would call Dr. Klein's office on tuesday and speak to them and see what they want you to do. I hope that everything has fixed itself for you.
i hope both of you guys strictures have healed themselves!!! definantly call dr kleins office and ask them and hopefully u wont need the scope. i have been thinking about both you and allison this week and praying you both feel better!!! keep us update jen!! xxoo!!
RNY 07/05/11 dr klein!!! love it soo happy xxoo!!