stabbing pain???

Sweet C.
on 8/31/11 1:13 pm - Woodslee, Canada
Ok i have posted this in the Windsor forum but decided since Windsor clinic had no idea either i would post here.

I am 3 months post op. I have been having sharp stabbing pains in my upper right incision area. only when I bend over or twist a certain way.  I have no clue whats causing it.. my family doc is gone till sept 7th.. my BC (bariatric clinic) doc cancelled my appointment that was suppose to be today.. so last night i went to the ER.  they did xrays and poked around some.. could see nothing out of the ordinary.. staples all look to be where they belong and none sticking out etc.  so 1 person stumped.. with no clue .. go to the BC today for my dietician 3 month appt.  told her.. she was stumped called in the nurse.. she asked alot of questions.. do i have my gall bladder, period time.. kidney stones.. etc etc etc.. I dont have a gall bladder, uterus and trust me its not kidney stones i have had SEVERE attacks from that, stumped her... she asks another person who works there that has had the surgery.  she has no clue figures its just a cramping thing.. but trust me this does not feel like a cramp.. it is a very sharp STAB.. as soon as i stand up its fine.. its only in the one area.. .. so stumped person #3.. got told to call guelph thats what im going to do.. but i highly doubt i am going to get any answers from them either.. i just want to know if anyone else experienced this at all or something simliar and if so did you find out the cause.  all vitals are totally fine.. blood work is fine.. food intake is fine.. etc etc etc.

so any info would be great .. sucks to feel like no one believes you and you are making it up and dont know the difference between a STAB and a cramp or regular sort of pain.  ( watch it not be stabbing anything lol but thats what it feels like )

sorry for venting but my stomach is starting to swell from the irritation..( constant poking )
Heidi S.
on 8/31/11 3:36 pm - Sault Ste. Marie, Canada
So sorry to hear you're having troubles... I hope they figure it out soon for you ... keep me posted please


Sometimes you just put one foot in front of the other, even if you don't know where you're going. 

Surgery Aug. 29, 2012 with the Wonderful Dr. Aarts at TEGH



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on 8/31/11 11:49 pm - Canada
Upper right incision area is near the liver and the gallbladder.
Not unusual to have issues with either organ both before and after WLS.

They can ultrasound to see if either is affected.
Sorry I can't help more - maybe some of the RN's on the list can help more?
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