The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

on 8/27/11 12:12 am - Newmarket, Canada
First.. the good!

I am down 60 pounds in just under 3 months.  I have been waiting to say this but I have finally lost the equivalent to an elephants penis LOL      I am down 3 pant sizes.  I had to get rid of all of my jeans... even my favorite pair because they just wouldn't stay on anymore!  I can cross my legs again... almost comfortably lol... but I can do it none the less...

The bad....

My hair is falling out like CRAZY!!!!!   Every morning I dread having my shower for fear of my hair coming out in handfuls.  I knew it was coming.. Ive read lots about it and I know it doesn't last forever and that it will grow back.. but it still freaks me out and I'm scared that I'm going to go bald... I may just have to start investing in wigs or bandannas!!!!

Also ... I tried an alcoholic drink.  I had a shot of vodka mixed with a glass of water and crystal light.  Only 56 calories.. no fat, no sugar, no carbs... but man did it ever hit me!  I felt fine after the first one... and I thought I could handle one more.. but I didn't even get half way through it before feeling completely drunk and passing out!!!   So I am definitely a very cheap drunk!  Not something I plan on repeating either.. I hate that feeling!

The ugly.

I haven't been feeling very good.  I will have one good day, where I can eat no problem... but then Ill have 2 or 3 days where its uncomfortable to even drink.  My pouch feels tight (normal I'm sure) and no matter how slow I eat and how much I chew it feels like it gets stuck and I can never finish.  It is really uncomfortable.  I hope it passes.. I hope its just part of the process.. because if not I'm going to be a really cranky Amy!!!!

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on 8/27/11 12:16 am, edited 8/27/11 12:17 am

You're doing great Amy! Sorry you are having pouch issues - I have had my fair share of them as well.

My hair is falling out too - it's just the price we pay... *sigh*


Edited to add: LOL on the elephant penis thing! HAHA!

My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
Kerry F.
on 8/27/11 12:57 am - Bolton, Canada
Amy...I think you & I are leading parallel lives...except for the alcohol part...I'm holding off 'til my 40th birthday in 2 weeks :)

I have the exact same issue with food, though it's starting to even out.  Now I have a few really good days in a row, followed by only 1 or 2 'bad' ones.  It really is a part of the process...I know by my first bite of the day what kind of day it's going to be and then I adjust accordingly.  I stick to really soft foods and mostly liquids just to avoid the discomfort.  I checked this out with my surgeon & dietician...they assure me it's not uncommon.

You're doing so well...congrats on losing 3 pant sizes - that's awesome!!!


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson   

on 8/27/11 2:40 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
Congrats on the weight loss!!!

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




on 8/27/11 6:05 am - Hamilton, Canada
You're doing great, Amy!  I'm right behind you, pushing towards 50 lbs. lost at 2 months out.

I also have the same pouch issues as you.  Glad I'm not alone in that.  I can eat shredded food (i.e. canned crab or salmon) but have a difficult time with solid chicken.  Hopefully it's just the pouch getting used to the extra volume and it will sort itself out.

Keep up the good work!


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


on 8/27/11 9:15 am
Baaa haaaa elephant penis! Congrats!! My doctor said no alcohol until at least 6 months> which is fine because I am not ready at all! I'm 5 weeks out and 5olbs down....
Enjoy buying your skinny clothes!
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