Humber Hospital

Teasha H.
on 8/10/11 11:45 pm - north of Barrie, Canada
I was just wondering if anyone has had surgery here and what the wait times are like?  I am hearing that Hamilton seems quite busy and I am pretty sure I will be refered to Humber as it is closest to me. 
on 8/10/11 11:49 pm - Newmarket, Canada
I had my surgery at Humber... here is my timeline....

July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram, Breathing Tests, Meet Medical Internist
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian & the social worker
April 11/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen to get surgery date
May 19/11 - PATTS  
May 24/11 - Start 3 weeks of Optifast
June 14/11 - Surgery with Dr. Hagen    335 Days from start to finish!

Find me on facebook here:
on 8/11/11 1:34 am - Canada
I was at HRRH as well -
1) first approcahed by surgeon re bariatric surgery May 2009 - refused him outright
2) decision to have surgery - go-ahead given to surgeon to start process September 2009
3) first orientation etc. - early October 2009
4) Surgery  - April 2010

8 months start to finish.
on 8/11/11 7:11 am - Canada


first surgeon appointment march 2011
class, dietician, social worker  april 2011
medical internist  may 2011
sleep test may 2011
opti fast june 2011
surgery date july 15, 2011

start to finish  5 months.

can go real quick! or can be a little lengthy. just sharing my experience.

i was gonna go to ottawa. but the receptionist told me 18 month wait for a first appointment. glad i chose to go to toronto.

Teasha H.
on 8/11/11 7:19 am - north of Barrie, Canada
Thanks for all the responses
My 40th is Dec 26/11 and i really want to have this done before that but I guess I better not hold my breath or I may not make it to 40 ,
on 8/11/11 1:17 pm - Canada
Four months is a little over optimistic I think.  I'm at Humber and from start to finish will be 6 months.  January-February may be doable.
on 8/12/11 1:29 am - Canada
I'm with HRRH.
Referred Aug 2010 - rejected due to smoking.
Accepted April 2011
Orientation June 13
Meet surgeon June 24
Bypass class July 22
Social worker July 26
Dietitian July 26
Reg Nurse July 26
Internist Aug 3
Next surgeon meet date Aug 17

I'm having the opposite issue.  My 40th is October 18th and as much as I would like to be smaller for my birthday, I'm not interested in sipping strained soup at my party or eating purees in Vegas.   Hoping I can get them to hold off until the first week of November but not sure I will have much choice.  It's going fast at HRRH now and I've heard they got more funding.  But I recently heard that is going to change again and the government is cutting funding.  I would go with Humber tho.
Good Luck!
Teasha H.
on 8/12/11 1:19 pm - north of Barrie, Canada
Tell them i will take your appointment :-) then you can eat whatever you want at your birthday.  HAHA just kidding you will be happy to just get it done I'm sure, just htink you will be that much closer to your goal weight.
on 8/13/11 1:57 am - Canada
Lol, nice try!  Actually I'm more concerned about what I can drink
Teasha H.
on 8/11/11 7:24 am - north of Barrie, Canada
Oh also did anyone call and bug for their appointments at the barriactric registry?
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