Getting to know you - Stolen from another board

laura S.
on 8/9/11 12:25 pm - London, Canada
Hmmm... ok.. let's see.  10 is a lot of things!!!!

1.  I love animals - all types - and would bring them all home if I can.  We have 3 rescue dogs (pug, pom/chi and lab/greyhound) and they are my babies!  Also have 2 cats, but my son recently moved out and brought them with him.

2.  I love to read.  My guilty pleasure is trashy vampire/werewolf/paranormal romances!

3.  I'm a legal assistant and work in family law.

4.  I'm having surgery on Thursday and I'm terrified that I will do something to screw this all up!

5.  I'm really proud of the 75 pounds I've lost so far and how far I've come since starting this process.  I feel like I'm finally taking control of my own life!

6.  I'm completely in love with my Dh and I feel so lucky to have him.

7.  I think I'm a thrill seeker at heart and can't wait to get small enough to try zip lining and possibly even sky diving if I can!!!!

8.  I love laughing and having a sense of humour is the most important characteristic to me.  (Kindness of course is in there too but if you can't be kind.. at least be funny!  LOL)

9.  I am COMPLETELY shocked to find out how much I like exercising and going to the gym!!!  After all these years avoiding it, whodathunkit!!!

10.  I was born in Toronto, raised in Trenton, married in Toronto and had my son there, and now live in London with the love of my life!

There... that's pretty much me in a nutshell  :)


Diminishing Dawn
on 8/9/11 1:21 pm - Windsor, Canada
Ten things about Dawn: ( I love weird facts and trivia so I will try to include some)

1. I teach Kindergarten and am starting my 14th year of teaching. September exhausts me. I still LOVE buying school supplies.
2. I am married (10 years) but have no children. I enjoy kids at work and then have me time after school. I had a student who was a paternity test on the Maury povich show.
3. I have 2 dogs (golden and border collie) a cat and a rabbit. My bc is named Goose as an homage to our previous bc Terky. My cat was a stray who came in through my classroom window!
4. I love learning new things and am constantly reading textbooks and studies. I can find almost anything on the Internet I admit to even reading the phone book on occasion
5. I love exercise and challenging myself. I just signed up for my 3rd Detroit half marathon. I am doing p90x. I am trying not to be a wimp!
6. I coach basketball for work and swimming for Special Olympics. I have always volunteered for causes I believe in.
7. I am terribly addicted to my new iPhone. I have become one of those text-ers that used to annoy me! I hate talking on the phone so texting is heaven for me! I still am autocorrect challenged.
8. Favourite tv shows are friends, IT crowd, big bang theory, hells kitchen, news shows, documentaries, judge shows etc. I have judge jury's autograph
9. I am an only child. My mom was 8 months pregnant when she found out she was pregnant (they were infertile and told they'd never have kids !).
10. Hubby and I have had 2 houses. Our current house was owned by the grandson of the owner of our Previous home!
10. I have always been overweight and have never felt normal. I struggle every day with loving myself and handling my food addiction. Ice cream is my biggest trigger!

How is that for completely useless info?! Lol


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Kim O.
on 8/9/11 2:07 pm, edited 8/9/11 2:43 pm - Windsor, Canada
oh my Dawn. You don't want to know how much ice cream I just ate It's been a stressful past few days....

1. I went to the Faculty of Education with Diminishing Dawn 16 years ago I teach French as a Second Language to gr's 4-8. It's a tough gig, but I enjoy it.

2. I have been married for 6 years and we have the most amazingly compassionate and empathetic 8 year old son who was the ring bearer at our wedding. I also have 3 rebellious teen aged step-children who live in Québec.

3. I have a habit of rescuing animals (a beagle, a rabbit, a cat (me), domestic rats, another cat my husband took in and our current dogs-a black and a yellow lab from the same litter. They came just before my son was born, so it's like I have triplets at times!

4. My God given talent is, hold yourself, being a grammar geek-can't sing, can't dance, but boy can I edit and find others' mistakes.

5. I was born November 14, 1969, my husband on September 14, 1969, and our son was due on January 15, but I had him a month and a day early-yep-on December 14...It almost didn't happen either. I was in labour all darn day and had him at 11:49pm, with 11 minutes to spare.

6. We watch the National Geographic Channel a lot here, and reality prison shows, pawn shows, repo shows, etc; however, my passion is epic tragic love stories. Loved Gilmore Girls, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc., but once the love ended, I wanted nothing to do with reruns. As for movies though, I can watch the original Twilight over and over, not to mention Harry Potter 6, 7A, 7B. I know. I'm a Potter-head and Twi-hard.

7. I've been heavy most of my life except for a few months in 1992 thanks to TRIM-4-LIFE.(oxymoron, right?) I never really felt uncomfortable with myself though until I had blood clots two years ago and had to go off the pill...instand bloating, and I'm sure you can guess the rest.

8. I have hazel but mostly green eyes, dirty blonde hair with brassy unnatural highlights, so I dye my hair. Was red for most of the nineties, and have been bleach blonde for the past 10 years.

9. I teach at a very rough school, but I love it and have no intention to leave/transfer. I feel I belong there and thrive on helping students find their potential. I was actually told by a graduating gr 8 this year that he "loved me"-not in a perverted way, but like a mom. It was the highlight of my career. I've also taught a few children of people here on OH, but I don't know if they've figured it out yet because I'm not wearing my glasses in my avatar.

10. All summer long, I've been having an imaginary affair with NHL'er Maxime Lapierre (formerly of Montreal, now with Vancouver). I'm fascinated by his eyes and his smile. Dare I say I'm smitten like a school girl? LOL This is so weird for me because I've never been one to get caught up with celebrities, even as a young girl. Can't wait for hockey to start up again!

referred:  Jan 2011   rec'd letter from WRH:  June 6, 2011   orientation:  July 14, 2011           SurgEd:  July 5/12     Meet the Surg.  Aug 9/12     Surgery Sept 7/12

on 8/9/11 1:37 pm - Cambridge, Canada
Ok - my turn!!

1. I'm 41, 5'9" with short, brown hair (currently) and a great rack (Thanks Dr. N!)
2.  I have two kids (11yr old son and 21 yr old daughter) and one super cute grandson (6 mos).  They all live at home.
3.  I crazy love my dog, Max.  He has the weirdest tongue that always sticks out, even when he's sleeping.  It gets all hard and crusty.  And sometimes muddy in the yard.  But he doesn't care.
4. I've had two plastic surgeries since WLS.  I'm beginning to feel a bit like "frankenbarbie".  But DAMN it is nice to get rid of that lose skin.
5. I am a teacher at an elementary school and a university.  I've also worked as a consultant, teaching teachers for the board office.  I like the bigger picture of the consulting better than the small picture of a classroom.  I'll mostly likely become a vice-principal in the next year or two because of this...even though I think they have a pretty crappy job overall.  
6.  I drive a BIG truck.  I love being a skinny girl in a big truck.  I never would have owned a truck fat - because I would have felt like people thought I needed that big truck to hold my weight or something.
7. My favorite travel destination is Hawaii.  I dream of retiring there.  I have a Hawaiian inspired tattoo that is pretty damn giant on my foot/leg.  My mom will never forgive me.
8. My husband is super hot, and super smart.  He's also a geek.  And we call him Grumps instead of Grampa for a reason.  I love him to death.
9. I'm addicted to reality TV.  I never remember ANYONE's names and it drives my husband nuts.  But it doesn't matter - I still care more about their lives than my own sometimes.
10. I love swimming, but I can't stand the cold.  For me to be happy in our pool, it needs to be about 90 degrees.  And the rest of the family complains.  So I rarely use the thing.  I think I need a hot tub.

That was fuN!
Proud Member of the Cambridge Crew!    
HW293/LW147/CW158   Height 5'9"  Working on Maintenance!
Fleur de lis TT and Brachioplasty - Oct. 19, 2010 Breast reduction and scar revision August 2, 2011
on 8/9/11 1:40 pm - Canada
What a great idea. Thanks for posting it!

1) I work in a school office and am one of the few that hates having the entire summer off. I luv luv luv my job and the kids I see everyday at work.
 2) 1 have been married for almost 28 years and hubby and I only knew each other 3 months before we moved in together. They said it would never work but here we are!
3) I have two sons, Travis 27 and Justin, 25. They both still live at home but I am very okay with that. They are both good boys (men) and I am very proud of both of them.
4) I have one grandson, Jessy, who is 7 years old and is on the Autism Spectrum. He is a HUGE joy in my life.
5) I have two beautiful and talented nieces, Deanna (12) and Madison (8). They are both very passionate and competitive dancers. I live to watch them dance!
6) My entire family on my mom's side has suffered from weight issues so they cannot tell me it is not in the genes. Sadly, I lost my mom when she was only 62 due to extended complications from diabetes. I do not want my children to lose me that young which is one of the reasons I have come to the decision to have the surgery.
7) I luv luv luv Halloween and I am the goto person at our school when people want costumes. This year I turned the office into the cast of the Wizard of Oz.
8) I also luv planning birthday parties, car rallies, and special scavenger hunts for my nieces when we cottage each year.
9) I am a Farmtown Addict
10) My hugest love is country music and my two idols are Randy Travis and Johnny Reid. I have been a Randy fan since he first came on the scene and just a few years ago I nearly flipped my lid when I won backstage passes to meet him. A dream 20 plus years in the making come true! I have also had the sincere pleasure of meeting and singing a small chorus with Johnny Reid and his guy is a class act through and through!
Surgery ---December 23 with Dr. Yelle!
on 8/9/11 1:42 pm - Canada
on 8/9/11 1:59 pm - Canada
RNY on 03/16/12
1. I just turned 40 this past June.
2. My husband and I have been together for 17 yrs, have 4 kids between the 2 of us and 1 grandbaby boy (4). He'll always be my
3. I work as a risk analyst in the fraud and security department for a bank. Seriously thinking of going back to school once I have surgery. Would love to be a psw.
4. I have 2 fur babies
5. I am scarred of heights and terrified of spiders.
6. Reading is my favorite hobby.
7. I'm addicted to movies, I love going to the cinema.
8. Going to New York in October for the Sexy in the City Convention.
9. Seems like I've been waiting forever for surgery.
10. I've never been on a forum before and I'm very thankful that this one was recommended to me.


on 8/9/11 2:03 pm - Harriston, Canada
Great idea Sandy.  I will give it a try also.

1.  I have hazel eyes and dark blonde hair that I streak and wish was thick and curly but its not.
2.  I am Single with one son who is turning 19 this month and leaving for University Labour Day Weekend.  We are very close so it will be hard for me.
3.  I am terrified of spiders and bats
4.  I hate exercising but really hoping that once the weight starts to come off that will change.
5.  I bought my first home 2 years ago at the age of 39, bought my first brand new car the same month...I have no idea what I was thinking  LOL
6.  Grew up in London ON but have lived the last 15 years in a small town and like it much better then the city.
7.  Love to read, usually would rather read then watch TV.  Also a bit addicted to some computer gaming.
8.  Work in a group home for Intellectually Challenged Adults.  I am also President of my union.
9.  I find the more weight I put on over the years the less I interacted with the outside world outside my work/union committments.
on 8/9/11 4:55 pm, edited 8/9/11 4:55 pm
1. I am gonna be 59 yrs old in a couple of months.
2. My natural hair color is as shown in pic, very dark brown..have small amt grey hair.
3. Married for 36 yrs as of next month to a WONDERFUL man.
4. Have had 2 sons, oldest son will be 34 next May, other son aged 27, recently died.
5. I don’t drive, never have.
6. I am a retired registered nurse, worked for 31 yrs before retiring 8 yrs ago. 
7. My favorite hobby is cross stitch and similar needlework, I find it very relaxing.
8. Used to be a supreme couch potato, now walk 3.5 to 4 miles daily before breakfast.
9. I tend to be very outgoing, like to talk to people, even strangers.
10. I am thankful every day for my second chance at life due to WLS.
on 8/10/11 7:47 am
Thank you all for sharing a bit about yourselves!  We have some very interesting people here!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


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