Getting to know you - Stolen from another board

on 8/9/11 5:30 am
I weaned down to decaf by mixing decaf with regular.  I started with 3/4 reg, 1/4 decaf, then 1/2 and 1/2 for another week, then 1/4 reg, 3/4 decaf then total decaf.  I didn't get headaches and it worked well for me.  I went the opposite way when adding it back.  I currently drink 2/3 decaf to 1/3 regular because it works well for me.

I'm glad it's not forever for you!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


(deactivated member)
on 8/9/11 4:15 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
1.  I have very green eyes and dark brown thick curly hair with some burgundy and caramel highlights in it this season.

2.  I am engaged and should have been married last week but due to far more important things in my life, we postponed our wedding.

3.  I have one son, almost 21, in University, a stepdaughter and stepson and 3 stepgrandchildren.

4.  I have a photographic memory, it's a blessing at times and a nuisance at other times.

5.  I am stubborn and fight to the bitter end for anything I believe in.

6.  I love red wine way too much.

7.  I am afraid of snakes but have no problem putting a live leech on my fishing line...nuts I know.

8.  I love to cook and the whole world knows it and often takes advantage of that fact.

9.  I'm just a tad short of being a nymphomaniac.  I draw the line at I just want tons of sex but with only one man.

10.  I have always been a very confident, strong person and hope to remain that way for life.
on 8/9/11 5:34 am
I hope you never change either!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


Marny B.
on 8/9/11 5:04 am - Canada
Hi all.  Sounds like fun, so here it is...

1.  I have hazel eyes, and the current colour of my hair as per the label on the box is "Spicy Auburn Brown"

2.  I have been married for 11 years and I have two girls ages 4 and 6.  They are both blonder than blolnde, with bright blue eyes, and if I hadn't been there to birth them, I'd have some serious questions cause they look nothing like me.

3.  I am a teacher (grade one), and have been doing so for 11 years now.  I am trying out grade 5 this coming year and I am pretty excited. 

4.  I sometimes stay up into the wee hours of the morning (sometimes even sunrise),  just to have some quiet time to myself.

5.  I love change, and am always ready to leap into something new at a moments notice, wether it be a new hair cut, a new job, or redecorating the house.

6.  I am a procrastinator.  I do anything and everything at the last possible minute.

7.  I love Indian authors, especially Rohinton Mistry, and Khaled Hosseini. 

8.  Reality TV is my guilty little pleasure, especially Project Runway and any cooking competition show.

9.   Having RNY surgery felt like the most terrifying thing I have ever done.  

10.  I feel more alive today than I have ever felt before.  Gaining weight over the years felt like going deeper and deeper into prison.  Loosing the weight has been the most freeing thing, and I sometimes feel like I am dreaming. It is all still so surreal.

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 8/9/11 6:00 am - Newmarket, Canada
1. I have 8 brothers and sisters plus many step siblings. (Some of which I have never met.)

2. I was put up for adoption when I was 3, along with my older brother and sister.

3. I was reunited with my birth mother when I was 18. She is an amazing person and I consider her one of my best friends. Its hard to believe that Ive had her back for 10 years now!

4. I was married, divorced and had 3 children by the age of 22. But I wouldn't change anything because it has helped to make me who I am today.

5. I have a MILD obsession with John Travolta :)

6. I am covered from head to toe with tattoos and I dont plan on stopping anytime soon!

7. I have a lot of regrets but I try not to dwell on them. You only get one chance at this life and you have to make the most of it.

8. I lost my daughter when I was 17. Sometimes it still feels like yesterday.

9. My kids are my everything, and it scares me to think that one day (in the not so distance future) they will be smarter than me.

10. I am in love with the 1940's and 50's. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era.

Find me on facebook here:
Brandy S.
on 8/9/11 6:25 am - Sudbury, Canada
I'll Play,

1. I am 29
2. I am the baby of the family :)
3. I have Blondish hair, It changes here and there.
4. I have 2 cats Max and Lexie
5.I have a 5 year old Niece who I adore and spend as much of my free time with.
6. I have worked in a nursing home with the elderly for almost 7 years and still love it.
7. Someday I want to travel all over.  I haven't been anywhere out of ontario yet. (how sad is that)
8. I desperately wish I had a working Nintendo with all my favourtie games from when I was a kid.. so since I dont, I have been playing them all online lol .
9. I love Reality TV, and non reality shows too, lol so All TV.
10. I love camping and fishing!

The End :)
on 8/9/11 9:37 am - Sudbury, Canada
I used to work for MDS (Life Labs now) in Sudbury and go around to all the nursing homes first thing in the morning to poke the seniors to take their blood.  I think they were starting to hate me.  LOL. That would have been about 8 years ago.  
Brandy S.
on 8/9/11 9:39 am - Sudbury, Canada
Lol Yeah  wouldnt have been into it then , 8 years ago I was working at Tim Hortons! ":)
Linda C.
on 8/9/11 8:10 am
Here goes...

1.  I have been overweight my entire life - so have no idea what being a normal weight feels like.

2,  I work for the provincial government, but have been off work for the past year and a half due to lower back problems and muscle spasms.

3,  Hazel eyes, and (being off work) have not coloured my hair so it is now is various shades of silver and grey.  I think I may be liking the not every having to have it coloured again.

4.  I have 3 grown children.  My daughter is also going to have the surgery - she is a couple months behind me in the process.

5.  The worst thing I ever did was quit university and marry my x-husband (note the x).

6.  My current husband, that I have been with for 23 years is 14 years younger than me. (Yay me!)

7.  I play MMORPGs (Massive multiplayer online role playing games) - like World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online,  Yeah... who would have thought it!

8.  We have two cats - Sam and Squatch,  Sam is the most affectionate cat I have ever had.  At some point he is going to miss sleeping on my stomach while I am sitting at the computer.  All he knows is that I don't have a lap.

9.  I used to make stuffed reindeer (fabric ones... so don't say ewwww!).  I still have 50 or 60 of them cut out and sitting in a container in the sewing room.

10.  My one son is a psychologist, so I am hoping he can help me through my issues with food.  Unfortunately he also has a weight problem, so maybe this will be good for both of us.
_______________ My  is jennifer_rpn______________________________
Includes 72 lbs lost prior to Optifast;  additional 20 lbs lost on Optifast

Mariann M.
on 8/9/11 8:47 am - Washago , Canada
Here goes,

1. I have brown eyes and brown hair

2. I have two beautiful daughters, Joslyn is 6 and Lillian is 2 1/2 months :)

3. I have a wonderful husband, who I have been with for 12 years ( we are both 27 yo )and we love eachother madly and YES somedays I would trade him for some peace and

4. I have always been over weight and for all of my school years, I was teased to no end :( but I am working through the pain and moving forward.

5. I LOVE knitting and have a huge collection of fibers and patterns, drives my husband crazy with yarn and wool here and there and everywhere!!!!

6. I love being a parent and found that I enjoy taking care of people, so I went to school and became a Personal Support Worker and have been taking care of the elderly for 5 years now !!! Love my job !!

7. I am always worried about everything and everyone, it drives me crazy but I can't help but care about people.

8. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Lupus but I try not to let it stop me from doing what needs to get done, I WILL NOT let this stop me from living my life !!!!

9. I am thankful for all of the family support I have from both my family and my husbands crazy family :) 

10. I am very happy I had the courage to go through with the RNY and make the changes I needed to, to get where I am now, I am a much happier person.

I lover hearing about how WLS has helped so many people and I am thankful for this site, where we can all meet, chat and share  about our experiances !!! 


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