Drinking ?

Joy D.
on 7/25/11 6:11 pm - Hamilton, Canada

OK I'm just curious as to drinking any types of alcohol and pop, now if we are not or shouldn't have carbonated drinks and some ppl do wouldn't that be just as hard or damage our pouches / liver as well ? maybe defeat the purpose of having the surgery if we go back to drinking that ? i don't drink either nor do i really intend to, as i did taste a bit of beer on Fri (and it wasn't very much maybe 1/4 of a cup, if that ), later on that night my tummy wasn't feeling well just got a lil' bit crampy but i was also dancing, i really want to blame the beer for that but was just curious on the taste and maybe the effects of what I'd feel like, i have realized i just don't care for it any more and can have just as much a great time with out it.



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on 7/25/11 8:04 pm - GUELPH, Canada
as far as pop is concerned I was told never ever as it expands in ur little pouch and can cause pain and may even stretch ur pouch.
now for alcohol not sure, but bear in mind we have the malabsortion and it will go strait to ur head....maybe someone else can comment on the effects of alcohol....
take care and hopes this helps some
on 7/25/11 8:49 pm - Toronto, Canada
 The Humber team told me 1 year for alcohol.  I'm going to stick to that even though I see a lot of other centres give different advice.
      weight loss includes 25 lbs before optifast         
Kim O.
on 7/25/11 9:24 pm - Windsor, Canada
At my info session last week, we were told that beer, coolers, and of course, most mixed drinks (unless made with water or juice) have carbonation so they act like pop in the pouch. We were told we would be "cheap drunks" lol because it would take just a few sips to get us drunk because of the malabsorbtion. We were also warned to watch out for the empty calories of alcohol too if you are one of the lucky who can tolerate alcohol after surgery.
referred:  Jan 2011   rec'd letter from WRH:  June 6, 2011   orientation:  July 14, 2011           SurgEd:  July 5/12     Meet the Surg.  Aug 9/12     Surgery Sept 7/12

Mary A.
on 7/26/11 1:22 am
On July 26, 2011 at 4:24 AM Pacific Time, Kim O. wrote:
At my info session last week, we were told that beer, coolers, and of course, most mixed drinks (unless made with water or juice) have carbonation so they act like pop in the pouch. We were told we would be "cheap drunks" lol because it would take just a few sips to get us drunk because of the malabsorbtion. We were also warned to watch out for the empty calories of alcohol too if you are one of the lucky who can tolerate alcohol after surgery.
carbonation aside........the juice...well if it's orange, grapefruit or even tomato juice you have to watch those also...because of the high sugar content in OJ & grapefruit and the high salt content in tomato or V8

http://www.antioxidants-for-health-and-longevity.com/orange- juice-facts.html

A glass of juice, whether fresh-squeezed or not, has about eight full teaspoons of sugar per eight-ounce glass. This is about as much sugar as a can of soda.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Diminishing Dawn
on 7/25/11 11:36 pm - Windsor, Canada
The Ontario centres are fairly strict about the carbonation rule and alcohol.  They say no carbonation as they think it stretches the pouch and alcohol seems to be discouraged too with them categorizing alcohol in their "foods to avoid" section of their surgical class information (at least this is the Guelph Version).

Interestingly enough, I've always found the carbonation debate interesting.  There's no proof of it.  There are no studies that proof it.  It has been only a "theory".  I've always wondered about it as I know that I had lots of gas and it always came out and wondered why pop carbonation would be any different.  (I understand this in the early stages when the pouch is small but I really question it).  But as we always say go by your surgeon's rules.  I hope that they do more research on this at some point.

As for the alcohol, the "can't handle alcohol" thing really depends on a few factors. First, how much you drank before surgery -(how your body processes it to begin with) and how often you drink.  I know people personally that have had surgery and can easily polish off a bottle of wine in a night.   Look even at Carnie Wilson who blames her alcoholism as part of why she gained her weight back.  The main concern with me (for alcohol) of course would be not to let yourself transfer your addiction to drinking and watching caloric intake as one of the main reasons for failure is cited as drinking your calories.  For me, it doesn't matter as I'm not a drinker. LOL


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Mary A.
on 7/26/11 1:14 am
some people still drink carbonated beverages in my 2 years since my surgery I have made had 5 sips of pop and it made me feel so uncomfortable.

I used to LOVE the occasional cooler..those are totally out now because of the high sugar content...

just keep in mind when drinking alcohol, which many surgeons do not recommend until at least 8-12 months post-op..that it takes VERY little to become intoxicated..I can get pretty buzzed on a 1/2 light beer and that's at 2+ years post-op.

there was a woman here locally at our support group that was fighting a DUI charge..she had had (2) light beers the night before (that's 12+ hours LATER) & she was pulled over but still blew over the LEGAL limit..her lawyer was trying to fight it because of a bariatric patients absorption rate in alcohol.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 7/26/11 1:47 am - kapuskasing, Canada
im 2 years out and for the pop - i have to be very careful. if its diet and flat i will take a few sips - only a few (i feel so guilty after unimaginable!)  and as for the alcohol oh thats another story. I never had beer/coolers anything that has bubbles because of the fact that it hurts big time (which is good reminder of why i had surgery) so i go for wine with a side of ice. I can add ice chips and take my time sipping it. Oh yes I am a cheap date so 1 drink will do me good! lol lol
on 7/26/11 10:13 am - Canada
I had gastric bypass class at Humber today and they warned us that driving after even small amounts of alcohol postop would not be a good idea. 

Highest weight ~ 360, Surgery weight ~ 280, Current weight ~ 171
Referral to bariatric registry ~ April 29, 2011  SURGERY ~ September 27, 2011
My  is Gailupnorth.

Joy D.
on 7/26/11 5:45 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Thank you for all ur replies, 
I sure understand as to why we as RNY should not be drinking the carbonated drinks, now is it the same effects for VSG / DS  ? 
Dawn i so agree that there should be more study of the effects, and more explanation's. I sorta think its a tad bit contradicting as some still drink even if its  still sips, I personally think it should just be on the NOT allowed list as basically its just wasted calories and painful to some's pouch or cause of weight gain.

Thank you, 


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