not a good week for me

Sweet C.
on 7/22/11 6:30 am - Woodslee, Canada
Ok.. I don't know if anyone else has this issue or not.. I havent seen much posted about it.. but does anyone or has anyone had bouts of depression after their surgery?  I am 2 months post-op and have been stuck at my current weight for several weeks now. I know there is plateaus that occur and thought I was fully prepared for them but lately I have been totally down about this whoel surgery thing.

Yes I know I am doing it for my health and that I will be better for it. BUT it just gets sooo tiresome sometimes. I am just at the point I want a damn Cheeseburger and I want to eat it all instead of a tiny taste. I want food !!!! I can eat pretty well anything I want I dont have many foods I can't tolerate ( including refined sugars) which i am blessed for thank god. one thing I can't tolerate since my surgery is sweetners.. I have tried every and all brands i can think of and i still feel sick after having them in anything.  Has anyone else ever went through this?  When I talked to Windsor's clinic they were totally surprised that I couldnt handle them. ( like i was some strange being or something ) but they did let me alter my food intake because of it.. hence why I am on pretty much all foods just as long as I add a new food only every few days to a week soi can find out if i can tolerate it well or not.  

 I am thinking this might also be part of the problem of why i am sorta stuck with the whole weight loss thing. my scale just refuses to move.  I have been bike riding, going for walks, swimming. etc on a daily basis ... but still nadda..

I am looking for some sort of support here as the clinic has no clue what to do.

Thanks in advance
Diminishing Dawn
on 7/22/11 6:56 am - Windsor, Canada
This is often referred to as "buyers remorse" and is somewhat common early out in surgery. There are alot if things taking place in your body, hormones can be out of whack, eating can be trying... Be reassured that it does get better over time.

As for the weight, somewhere typically at the 3-6 week out (can be earlier or later too) the body experiences it's big stall. Know that although the scale isn't moving, something amazing is happening. Your body has been burning off your temporary energy stores right now -- water weight and all that. Then it realizes that it cannot do that forever.

So your body stalls and stops and tries to "preserve" itself. It needs to think (hence the stall). Eventually your body will realize that it has a ton of stored fat on your body and that it can start to burn off your fat stores. That is when the REAL good fat burning starts and the inches start coming off of you. So the stall is a GOOD thing and eventually the scale will start moving again and it will be burning fat more effuciently!

This is a good time to really start a program of exercise everyday if you have not. Make sure you get outside too as the sun will do your mental health some good too!!

Hang in there . I bet in a month things will feel very different for you!


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Sweet C.
on 7/22/11 7:01 am - Woodslee, Canada
ty very much for that.. i have been told about the stall but reading it again helps.. its not that i regret getting the surgery i just get over whelmed i guess at times..

Thanks for the words of wisdom feel free to give me a kick in the arse any time you feel its needed :)
(deactivated member)
on 7/22/11 7:13 am
I had my surgery May 16th and find I am having the same problem. I have only lost weight 1 lb in about 10 days. I also can eat everything, no problems. The first month I lost 15 lbs, last month I lost 8 lbs. I am frustrated by this but not depressed. I know I am following the rules and tracking all my food intake so figure it will come off in time, I hope! LOL. Hang in there, it will get better. Make yourself a lean 2 oz hamburg with a slice of cheese and half a whole wheat bun.  No law against that. Have you tried Splenda brown sugar? It does contain some real sugar but it doesn't have the same after taste as the regular Splenda may have. I tried Stiva and really didn't like.  
Karen M.
on 7/22/11 8:47 am, edited 7/22/11 8:48 am - Mississauga, Canada
Really common, take heart.  "Buyers remorse" is SO common.  Your fat stores hormones and they get all "frigged up" (medical term, doncha know) with rapid weight loss.  I too couldn't stand anything sweet, also common. When eating/drinking/taking vitamins turns to a full-time job, it IS tiresome.  Hang in there as best you can - it truly does get better every week. xo



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/22/11 11:32 am
My neice is almost 3 Years out and she siad it was the best thing she ever did. That being said..she said at your mark it was roug, she cried herself to sleep because of the cravings. We are addicts and we need to change our mind not just our body! sounds like you are on the right track...good luck!!!
on 7/22/11 12:54 pm
Don't let it get to you. I had my surgery March 2, 2011 and have had several stalls.. long stalls..
some lasting well over 10 days, only to drop a pound.. I am losing inches however and gaining muscle as I become more active and exercise much more.

The weight will come off.. it just takes time.  I just came out of another stall.. but I figure this weight loss was due to not eating much.. was away from home dealing with death in family.
I tried to follow my diet regime but did not eat as much as I usually do, and figured a stall would continue due to inadequate protein intake, insufficient complex carbs and not enough exercise..
hah!! the scales proved me wrong...dropped 5 pounds in 5 days. 

So.. as they have told me countless times on this forum.. patience is rewarding.. but I agree it
can be damned frustrating.. Wishing you success with your weight loss.. and your tolerance of
foods. You won't regret this WLS.. of that I am pretty certain .

Jennifer D.
on 7/22/11 2:15 pm
What the others said and to add - be careful, don't throw away your success at this point. It will get better if you keep moving forward and don't look back. I made the mistake of thinking I was failing early out and let everything go to he!! then had to start over again.
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