Curves for Women?

on 7/14/11 4:31 am - Newmarket, Canada
I am a month out.. and now that I have a bit of a routine going at home when it comes to meals and supliments etc... Im really wanting to incoperate a work out.... (other than walking which I have been trying to do lots of!)

I tried Curves years ago and I remember I really liked it but I was young at the time and didnt use it the way I should have.  Does anyone have any experience with it?  It it worth it .. or should I look into joining a "real gym"? 

Also when is a good time to start?  Do you think a month out is too soon?  I have my one month check up tomorrow so Ill bring it up to the dietician as well....

Thanks in advance

PS. I am down 40lbs!!!
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on 7/14/11 4:55 am - Orillia, Canada
Hi Amy;

We have a Curves where I live and I have heard really good things. They have a program now that monitors what you have done and challenges you to do just bit more each time. If I had the time that is probably where I would go. The other 'gyms' where I live are kind of intimidating as the buff body builders seem to give you 'the look'. That could just be because I am in a small town.

Best of luck in finding somewhere and I am looking forward to meeting you on Sunday! My son is gone for a sleep over that night so I can stay as late as I want. Yay me.



                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 7/14/11 5:05 am - Newmarket, Canada
Thats pretty much my thinking as well... I dont know how well Id do next to all the skinny minis and buff topless men lol

Im excited about sunday!  And since my kids are going to be at camp I also do not have a curfew lol

PS... I was just looking through your pictures and you look AMAZING Kristie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(deactivated member)
on 7/14/11 6:33 am - Vaughan, Canada
Hi, I had joined Curves a few years back.  Overall, I don't think it is worth money because in the long run, the workout became too easy and I wasn't able to pu**** to the next level.  I also heard that with the new program that the membership cost has increased.

I started walking 1 month out and have now reached 5 km.  In my opinion, if your going to spend the money on a membership, I would go to a regular gym which is probably equal in price and at least you have a variety of workout options.  You can do treadmill one day, eliptical another day, weight training the following day, maybe a zumba class.  With Curves, it is very repetitive and may get boring after a while.

CONGRATS on the 40 pounds!
on 7/14/11 6:49 am - Harriston, Canada
You know how most family health teams now have dietitians and kinesiologiest?  Well my doctor send me to the one connected to my team and she told me not to do curves.  She said it was an ok program if your just looking for a lite workout to maintain however a regular gym was better.
on 7/14/11 8:33 am - Sumerstown, Canada

I also went to Curves a few years back and I agree that it's not worth the money!  They are repetitive movement and that stops's working after a will.  You're body Ned's to change it's work out routine and intensity so that you're muscles get working and starts eating at you're fat. Little tip " you're muscles also Ned's a 24 to 48 hours rest period between work out to really burn the fat and not get injured. I would do my cor and harms one day and my leg's and ham's the next. More reps, less wait for just toning and Lot's of cardio.  Start slowly and work yourself up.  It would take me about 2 week's before I would change my intensity.  Alternate machine to when doing cardio.  I would always find a gym with a pool so I could finish with 25 laps in the pool and a nice stretch!
Before curves I would recommend a nice class of ZOOMBA'S or even a dance class or a simple walk!
Hope this helps!

Highs weigh   241                                      Referal: November, 2010
Before opti     231                                      Surgery date: May 10, 2012
After opti        220                                           

on 7/14/11 10:17 pm - Cambridge, Canada
I joined Curves after I had my surgery. It was a waste of money for me.  I didn't use the member ship for the last six months but had to continue to pay.  You can't adjust the machines and after a while, and not a long while I might add they become easy.  I have sciatica and a bad knee and a few of the machines aggravated the problems.  I recently joined the Y and it is the same price as I paid for the crappy curves membership. I don't even use the machines.  I am addicted to Zumba and have recently started doing Step and a Body Blast program as well.  I am developing biceps and I haven't even picked up a single weight. I would explore all your options before commiting to Curves.

I eat to live, not live to eat.


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