5 months post op

on 7/8/11 12:21 am, edited 7/8/11 7:25 am - Bolton, Canada
Well I did it! I have hit the century club. I have lost 100lbs!  I did it on Canada Day.  So now I am down a total of 102.7 lbs, in just 5 short months.

I took my 3 youngest kids and went up north for the long weekend.  I was able to do things, that I would not have dreamed of doing last year at this time.

I actually jumped off a boat in the middle of a lake, and was able to climb up the ladder with no problem.  I couldn't pull myself up last year at this time.

I actually took my top off and just had on my bra and shorts before jumping in.  The old Traci is coming back!  Look out world.

I actually was able to wear a size 16 skirt from Old Navy yesterday.  *** HOLY COW***

I know I say this all the time, but thank you OHIP!

Look out forty here I come, a new and improved me!  Much better than the last 20 years.

I only lost 13.2lbs this past month.  But I am okay with that.  My measurements went down too.

Waist 55" to 42.5"
Neck 16.25" to 14"
Bicep 20" to 16"
Forearm 12" to 10"
Chest 55" to 37.5"
Hips 62" to 49.5"
Thigh 33" to 25"
Calf 18" to 16"

Slowly but surely.

I have lost 64.75" overall.  HOLY COW

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

on 7/8/11 12:26 am
  Congratulations! You're doing great and it looks like your having a lot of fun! Keep up the good work!  
Katie  ♥     
Elisabeth G.
on 7/8/11 12:27 am - Windsor, Canada
 WTG you look great 



on 7/8/11 12:27 am

My   is Quinns_mommy  and she rocks - Thanks for all your support!
on 7/8/11 12:29 am - Canada
That's amazing! You look fantastic and so happy! One of the best thing about being a pre-op and reading these posts is hearing about all the things ppl are doing post op that they wouldn't have been able to do before.  That's what this is all about, improving our quality of life and I can't wait to get there.

on 7/8/11 12:32 am, edited 7/8/11 12:35 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
Your username - imaginethat - is so appropriate.  Before, you could only "imagine", now you have "that".  I can identify with the ladder thing.  I can hardly wait till it's my turn for surgery and I can do the same.  You look amazing!!!!!!  You've done amazing!!!!!!!!!  No need to  Imagine that - it's a fantastic reality.  Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




on 7/8/11 6:52 am - Bolton, Canada
Thanks.  You are right.  Image - N - That... no more, I am living that.

on 7/8/11 12:51 am - St Thomas, Canada
You are doing so well. You look so much younger and healthier in your photos now.


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on 7/8/11 1:24 am - Athens, Canada
Way to go Traci.  You look wonderful.  Keep up the good work and let the real Traci emerge like a butterly being set free of the confins of it's cacoon.

  "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." -Robert Collier
Join Kingston Ontario WLS Support Group - Online @ OH 

  HW: 267         SW: 248       GW:155       LW: 132      CW: 143-148      

on 7/8/11 6:52 am - Bolton, Canada
Thanks Moselle.... a butterfly,  I like it!
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