3 week check up..

on 7/7/11 6:38 am - Newmarket, Canada
The whole appt only lasted about 3 minutes. Dr. Hagen weighed me asked if I had any questions or concerns. I said nope and he says I'm doing great and that I will be very happy I did this. And he wants to see me in 3 months.

So far I have lost 35 pounds... Ive been sitting at that for over a week now.. and although I know its normal it was still nice to have the reassurance that everything was normal and that I'm right on track.  He thinks I should easily lose 30 - 40 pounds in the next 3 months.. and he said he thinks Ill be able to lose 150 pounds no problem :)

Not sure if it was worth the 4 hour round trip but oh well...

I do have not really a concern.. but just something Id like some info on that I forgot to ask him.

I am on my second week of purees.. and everything Ive tried has gone down no problem... now that the physical pain is gone... its almost like I haven't even had surgery! 

Of course I haven't tried to pu**** and I eat slow and measure and go by the guideline.. but I thought Id feel a bit of restriction??  I do remember someone saying that the nerve endings sometimes are cut and you don't have it at first... is this true?  Will it come back?  i really want to have it!!!!!

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on 7/7/11 6:55 am - St Thomas, Canada
It does take time for the cut nerves to regenerate. That is why it is critical to weigh or measure portions in the beginning and NOT go beyond those. Once you get to denser proteins I'm sure you will feel the restriction.


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on 7/7/11 7:19 am - Canada
I wasn't hungry early on nor did i feel restriction - eating even what i was supposed to wasn't easy

My tummy made up for it around the third month... its like the nerves came back one day and i suddenly had this sensative grumpy pouch.

Follow the plan to a T - don't eat more than the portions outlined. And don't worry you'll feel the restriction eventually. I still notice it.  My pouch is only grumpy these days when i do something stupid.
Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

Kerry F.
on 7/7/11 10:41 am - Bolton, Canada
I didn't feel the restriction until I started on solids, which was only 2 weeks ago...and then boy oh boy did I feel it!  It kind of snuck up on me.  I was eating like I should - tiny bites, chewing it to mush, waiting in between portions and then all of a sudden, the last bite I took ended up nearly KILLING me.  It was my pouch telling me  'that's enough now' and it was not pleasant at all!!!  I've been so careful since then and thankfully have not felt that again.  Slow and steady :)


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