Don't forget to say thank-you!
Funny story... So in our house, we are teaching the little man to say please and thank-you after asking for or being given things. He's getting really good at thank-you now, and sometimes we aren't even having to remind him. We are also teaching him to put his dirty diaper (after we have folded it up) in the garbage can or the diaper geanie in his room. Well today I gave him his folded up poopie diaper and told him to "go put your yucky diaper in the garbage." Well guess what!? I handed it to him, he looked at me square in the eyes, and said, "Thank-you!" ROFLMAO!
This child is why I worked and sweat to get where I am today, and why I continue to work and sweat to be in a better place tomorrow.
This is a picture of him finger painting yesterday on the kitchen floor. I decided not to take a pic of him with his poopie diaper. :)
This child is why I worked and sweat to get where I am today, and why I continue to work and sweat to be in a better place tomorrow.
This is a picture of him finger painting yesterday on the kitchen floor. I decided not to take a pic of him with his poopie diaper. :)
VSG on 05/11/12