
Manda M.
on 6/30/11 1:01 pm
can't agree more.. i would give my left tit for my surgery! hate to see it wasted on someone who doesn't care
http://pouchgirlrny.blogspot.com  -- My thoughts and experience so far post RNY!!
Joy D.
on 6/30/11 1:58 pm - Hamilton, Canada

I;m sry that she has put you on a spot, how ever as a friend maybe you can speak to her about ur feeling's and that ur upset that she is abusing her self by not trying to follow the guild lines.

I wasn't fussy on those stages but i managed with soups and sorts.
I am also 4 months out and at the moment i have to go back to eating basics as i am having some tummy pain when i eat, possible not moist enough or not chewing enough, i spoke to the nurse and we are keeping an eye on my issue, but i have no prob's with soft food or soups,. some times ppl learn the hard way.

so in the long run ur friend may run into some probs maybe not now but down the road.

I've also read stories that some ppl purred mc donald's food  ( gross ) so maybe she is reading the forums and will understand ur concerns

gd luck, and all the best,


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on 6/30/11 11:18 pm
Wow surprised she could get that down or would even try. I have heard of another person who ate pizza at 2 weeks out - wild!
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
on 7/1/11 8:31 am - Canada
 I would probably say "don't ***** at me when you have issues later". 

And now you know how people who've been on here a while feel time and time again when people do crazy stuff and tell us about it. Then they get all pissy about us being "mean" and  "judgemental". cause say something or not it will be your fault - people don't like taking responsibility for their actions. 

And a  year and a half out - pizza is greasy and doughy ... i don't even make it through a slice. The last time i picked at a slice (work event) i decided its just not worth it.. Ever really look at pizza - that nice layer of oil on the top of it that makes it nice and shiny ..

Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

(deactivated member)
on 7/1/11 9:01 am - Canada
Pizza?  really?  I can think of something else  like roasted chicken, or a nice juicy steak.  But i would never screw up my pouch. You have to wait too long to get it and you have to jump through soooo many hoops to get there.  Just to ruin it all?  Shes just foolish   just my opinion
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