Ten Days Out

on 6/24/11 12:30 am - Newmarket, Canada
So I am ten days out.. and feeling SOOO much better than this time last week!!!  It has been hard... not having much of an appetite... trying to get used to timing my meals and measuring what I eat. 
Its hard to have to take a handful of vitamins and pills everyday..
I'm trying my best to get all of my water and protein in but its really really hard to remember!  My cell phone is constantly going off to remind me to take all of my vitamins and meals.
I still have head hunger, and when I see a commercial about food I think that I want it... but I know I cant have it. 
Mike and the kids have been AMAZING this week.  Very helpful and understanding. They have made some delicious (healthy) meals and it is hard to watch them eat, it always smells SO good, but they still need to eat!
So having the surgery doesn't take that away, but I already knew that... but I was hoping that I would just hate food after lol

Even though its hard... and it will be for a long time I'm sure, I know I made the best choice for me. Its been a month today that I started Optifast and I have lost 34 pounds.  So just over a pound a day.  That makes me happy.  Right now I am sitting at exactly 300 pounds.  And I love the fact that the next time I step on the scale I will be in the 200's :)

Last night my husband, my children and I went for a walk, and it was SO nice!  Ive been trying to walk a bit more everyday.. but this was the first time we went as a family just for fun without having somewhere to go.  I'm hoping to make it a habit!!!

I start purees on Tuesday, and I am really excited about that!  Just to be able to add a few textures will be nice after 5 weeks of liquids! I also start back to work on Tuesday and that makes me really nervous.  Even though my job is pretty laid back, and I will have help for a few days... I hope I don't overdo it, and have enough time for my meals since I will have to have both lunch and dinner there.  Yesterday I was feeling great and decided to re organize the kitchen cupboards, and within 10 minutes I felt like I was dying.  I really have to learn to take it easy!

I hope I don't come off as whinny.  I'm so happy with my progress.. but I just dont want people to think that its easy, because its not! But it is worth it!!!

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on 6/24/11 12:37 am - Ottawa, Canada
Way to go on the 34lbs.  Hang in there. 

  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
on 6/24/11 12:40 am - Athens, Canada

Way to go - it sounds like you are doing well. You are definitely right about it not being easy but worth it.  I agree 110%.

As you start to feel better it easy to overdo it; remember that you just had major surgery and need to take time to heal. 

All the best for a successful journey.

Mary A.
on 6/24/11 12:55 am
I really zeroed in on the fact that you stated (the next time you step on the scale)

....as many individuals write on this board and the other Bariatric boards I belong to...please, please, please don;t become a slave to the scale..weighing yourself once a week is plenty.  Poeple fairly new out, often make this mistake and then become very disspaointed when the scale doesn't move much, ends in a stall or as happens to some, you actually gain an 1/8th /lb.

The strength will come back and the tiredness will be replaced with unbelievable energy...the first 2 months for me were the worst  I would come home from work and almost collapse, luckily my DH was laid off at the time and meal prep and looking after kids was done by him.

You have such a GREAT attitude....and I can see the future will have many positive moments for you.

Enjoy your family and your new health

(p.s. remember don't pull the wash out of the washing machine...) it can cause some very bad pain, no matter how carefully you try and do it...I learned the hard way so I try to tell newbies this whenever I remember)

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 6/24/11 7:31 am - St. Thomas, Canada
 Hi Mary...Thanks so much for your post.  I didn't even think about your P.S.(lol)  I'm going to have to get my kids to help with the laundry as my surgery is July 4th.   Thanks again for the advice.  Take care.
on 6/24/11 1:00 am
It sounds like you are really rocking your wls!  Congrats and continued success!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 6/24/11 1:05 am - Newmarket, Canada
WOOT!!!  YOU GO GIRL!!!! You are doing sooooooo awesome!!!!!!

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


Brandy S.
on 6/24/11 2:31 am - Sudbury, Canada
34lbs!!! Amy thats greats!!!! Keep up the GOOD work!
on 6/24/11 2:43 am
Hi Amy! I can so relate to everything you are saying. My nose can now pick up "good" smells miles away - it has become quite the joke around our house. I'm glad to hear you are doing well - keep the great attitude.
June 14, 2011 - Surgery date                
on 6/24/11 3:02 am
WOW! 34lbs is awesome!!! Amy, you are doing so great! I am only 6 weeks out, but have WAY more energy than I did before I dropped 40lbs. Keep it up (but remember to take it easy :)

See you Sunday!
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
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