Happy to be home!!!!!

on 6/17/11 5:15 am - Newmarket, Canada

I got home from the hospital yesterday.. and I think I'm doing ok all things considering... quite a bit of pain in my left side.. but it helps to walk and that what I'm doing all the time.. walk sip walk sip.

My hospital stay was really good... Dr  Hagen is amazing and the surgery went just as expected.  I was nervous but I think I handled myself pretty well.. 

I tried to joke and make light right up till it was time to go down to the OR... my mom hugged me and started crying which made me start... and then when the nurse came to get me I started again saying goodbye to Mike.  They walked me into the OR and I laid on the table.. there were a lot of people there.. everyone was nice and very interested in my tattoos... even after they gave me the sleepy juice Dr. Hagen was admiring them lol.

I remember them trying to wake me up after the surgery to move me onto the other bed and I tried to sit up and move myself.... When we got to recovery i was in SOOO much pain!!!!  The worst in my life for sure... i couldn't stop moving because it hurt so much.  They finally gave me drugs and I was out cold.  Between surgery and recovery I was gone for over 6 hours.. I obviously didn't mind since I was out.. but it was had for Mike and my mom to have to wait that long.


The first night I ended up having a room to myself which was so nice and unexpected... and it was the room at the end of the hall so it was nice and quiet.. The second day I ended up with a 96 year old woman as a roommate who had broke her hip... she was in soo much pain and still hadn't had her surgery when I left yesterday.  For the most part I was fine... did lots of walking and was able to get up to the bathroom on my own... 


The morphine helped a lot with sleeping.  The only complaint I had was with the ladies who came in to take my blood.  Apparently I have no veins and they had a really hard time finding a place to take blood so I ended up pretty black and blue.



I was overwhelmed with all of the vitamins and meds i was sent home with.. so much more than i thought I would be taking... and with the blood clotting needles and everything else they tell you to get at the pharmacy.. it came to just over $500.... thank god I have savings lol.  But at least it all works out to about a 6 month supply.



Injecting myself with the blood clotting needles has been hard.  My husband is wonderful but has a queasy stomach, so I have to do it on my own.  You would think since Im a piercer that Id be a pro.. but its different when you re putting something in you!!!! It stings a bit.. but once I learned to do it properly its not as bad...

Taking it hour by hour... in more pain than i thought it would be.... the girls on this forum are either super tough or lying lol.. (just kidding)   i may have already had an incident with dumping but I'm not sure... yesterday I tried some of the liquid Tylenol that they give you from the hospital... all of my food has been staying down no problem.. but about 15 minutes after i took the Tylenol I got really hot.. my face got all flushed, and i started walking... I thought I had to pass gas but ended up  passing alot more on the kitchen floor. (TMI I know)  That has never happened to me before and it was out of me and on the floor before I even knew what was happening.  I went to the bathroom and started to dry heave as well... and then I broke down crying... it was a low point for sure.  I am following the meal plan to the tee... and I intend to do so the entire time... that way I cant fail.  My mom thought the Tylenol may of had sugar in it or because I don't like it I may have drank it too fast.....

My husband is the most wonderful caring person i have ever met and has been by my side non stop through this whole thing.. he makes and measures all of my food.. 



does all the laundry and cleaning ... and just takes care of me.  (and Im sorry but any man who will clean up your mess off the kitchen floor with out complaints and still tell you that he loves you is freaking amazing) I am the luckiest woman in the world.  I was also subscribed some perks and i have to say that they are pretty amazing!  Knock me right out.  I'm feeling better today.. eating better and not as emotional ....  

The vitamins are very large and not the best.... but at least I can get them down without wanting to vomit.  The really big one is Calcium and I have to take it 3 times a day... it tastes like a giant cinnamon heart... but soo big!!!!!

This is quite the journey we have decided to embark.. and i knew that before i started.. but you really cant know until you are really in it.

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(deactivated member)
on 6/17/11 5:27 am - Toronto, Canada

Such a great post for all us pre-ops to read.  Why do you have to inject blood clotting meds?  I haven't heard this before....does everyone have to do it or do you have a specific health reason?
I really appreciate the $500 figure that you attached for post -op meds and vitamins.  Very helpful info to budget for.
Hope you heal quickly and life goes smoothly post-op!

on 6/17/11 5:34 am
You can also choose to pick up your own calcium/VD/multi-vitamin/B12 - You don't have to go with what they have at the hospital pharmacy - It saved me some money, and I hate chewing pills, so I got the liquid calcium at Costco (Wellesse brand). I think it's $15 for a months supply, AND it had VD in it so you don't need to buy that in addition. I get B12 shots once per month (had mine today actually), so that's one less pill to take, and my vits are from shoppers - chewable life brand multi-vitamin.The blood thinners/prevacid (to prevent strictures) are by prescription at HRRH, so you'll need to get those at the hospital pharmacy since most pharmacies wont have the pre-measured injections on hand. After surgery there is a risk of developing blood clots, so you take the injections. Hope that helps :)
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
on 6/17/11 5:29 am

Great update Amy! And it was so nice meeting you and your husband yesterday for the 1st time!

I also got sick off of the liquid Tylenol in week 1 - you CAN get it sugar-free, but I found it still really harsh on my pouch. I just crush my tylenol now and take it with yogurt or applesauce. The perks you can just crush with a butter knife, but the tylenol you'll likely need a real pill crusher - they are hard suckers.

Glad you are on your way!!!

My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
on 6/17/11 5:35 am, edited 6/17/11 5:38 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
Dollface - thanks for the update and pictures - it really helps to understand the proceedure, and I really appreciate you sharing.

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




on 6/17/11 5:49 am - St Thomas, Canada
Which Toronto Hospital carries the Bariatric Advantage Vitamins now? Can they be ordered and shipped? The Calcium are best if you suck on them a bit first like a Sweet Tart. They come in Cinnamon, Cherry and Chocolate.

Great update and it sounds like you are doing well so far.


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on 6/17/11 5:57 am - Canada
thanks for such a great post and I'm so glad you are healing and doing well.
Allyson A.
on 6/17/11 6:04 am - Seeleys Bay, Canada
I do know that Humber carries the Bariatric Advantage Vitamins, and I had heard that they were going to offer shipping, but I am not totally sure about that. I have my pre op and follow up with surgeon on 23rd so I will check out that information at the pharmacy as well. Will let everyone know what I find out then.
HW 318  SW 291 

on 6/17/11 6:08 am
Great post.  Love the pics too.  Ottawa does not require the blood thinners after you leave the hospital.  We were told at orientation that if we opted to go to Humber River then that was an additional cost as Humber required the needles after you leave hospital.
on 6/17/11 6:09 am - Newmarket, Canada
I got them at Humber Finch site they also said that they will deliver for free when I runout. I'm happy with them.
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