
tricia lynch
on 6/16/11 2:43 pm - thorold, Canada
So here is what is going through my head.. so fricken much.. My husband is against surgery right.. but he supports me and my choices whew which is a good thing.. would i be wrong for maybe sitting this on a back burner for a bit and try for 1 LAST time on my own.. i have been a member on here for a bit so i listen to everyone advice and i try new things.. i only have an appointment with nut and social worker coming up besides the orientation this is all i have done.. but im living right now as if i have had the surgery given up the pop and i lost 14 pounds since may 20th giving that up i actually READ lables on foods that i never did before to see how bad/good it is for us.. i joined the gym and OMG i love it hurtsd like hell doin g things that i never thought but i love it.. the thin g between now and my other failed diets i never had children  that needed me to live for them.., so do i owe this to myself and family to try one last time or continue with my appointments so confused i think i owe it to try a last time but please give me feed back..
A T.
on 6/16/11 2:57 pm - Hamilton, Canada

I know how I feel and can only speak for myself.  I gave the diet thing one more chance before
I talked to my doctor.  I gave up pop over a year and half ago and lost 10 pounds, and went on the biggest loser at work, I lost a total of 25 pounds, walked on the treadmill everyday 30 minutes.
When the biggest loser was finished at work guess what the weight came back again.
The surgery to me is my tool to use to help me with my lifestyle change.  I didn't have pop since when I quit a year ago, I have stopped drinking alcohol and coffee.  The great thing about
the surgery you have to follow the rules or you get sick.  With a regular diet you can always cheat
that is how I look at it.  I won't even try a chocolate bar after the surgery nor have anything with
alot of fat or sugar in it.
This is my last chance to live my life to the fullest!!!

on 6/16/11 9:18 pm, edited 6/16/11 9:19 pm - Windsor, Canada
The great thing about
the surgery you have to follow the rules or you get

Allison, not everyone gets sick.... 
I dump, my sister that had her surgery 5 months after me doesn't, so you can't rely on that for correcting your previous bad habits.

Surgeon's goal 155 - 160
NUT goal 140
My own personal goal  125.

HW  237(Optifast weight)  SW  214   CW  111

Yummy recipies to try.....  
on 6/16/11 8:58 pm - Canada
Before surgery, I gave up my diet pop(lifelong addiction) and followed healthy diet, tracking EVERYTHING on Sparkspeople which helped me lose about 35 pounds before surgery but I am still very thankful every day that I have my sleeve.  There have been many times that I "cheated" and had a little chocolate or ice cream but thanks to my surgery the amount I can handle is so much less that even those cheats didn't do much damage.  My surgery has helped me stay on restricted diet and has helped me to be almost 100 pounds lower than I would have been if this process hadn't started.  In the past all diets have failed eventually but I have faith that surgery was the right solution for me.  Good luck with making your personal choice.
on 6/16/11 8:59 pm - Kitchener, Canada
Only you can give the answer to that question.

here is an option, what if you spoke with the clinic and said you want'd to postpone the appts for a while, but would still like to be a part of the process.  You would like to try one last time on your own but would like to know that if in the process of doing so, you decided you did want surgery, your name and information would still be in the log. 

you are not the only person who has had reservations about this surgery, and you will not be the last.

I actually did something similar in that I postponed all my appts for about 4 months because I was trying a "diet" suggested by my GP and I didn't loose my place in the clinic.  I needed my GP to be a part of my support system afterwards so I had to try their way and show them that I really needed surgery. 

Karen M.
on 6/16/11 9:05 pm - Mississauga, Canada
It's completely your decision and I applaud you for making such positive changes.  If it were me, I would continue to work hard on my own AND continue with the appointments etc so as not to lose my place.  You really have 'til the morning of surgery to make your final decision.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/16/11 9:36 pm - GUELPH, Canada
I have to agree with Karen, keep ur appointments, but still try and do it yourself, the more you lose now will be easier after to. you can always cancel at the 11 hour.....take care , I know this is tuff.
on 6/16/11 9:39 pm - Canada
I agree with Karen.  I am making changes and hopefully will have some success while I wait for surgery and can always change my mind down the road.

I have lost a fair bit of weight on my own, but it is so slow (80 pounds over five years) and the plateaus are so long.  I have talked extensively with my doctor and he genuinely believes that surgery may be the most effective method for obese people who have shown a committment to losing weight but can't seem to lose it all.  I am the first patient he has referred to the registry because he has seen how hard I have worked to make changes. 

He explained to me that the only thing they truly understand about obesity is that obese bodies don't work quite the same as "normal" bodies.  Due to hormones and a bunch of other issues, we are resistant to losing weight.  He said it is pretty rare for an obese person to lose all their weight dieting and to keep it off.

Good for you for asking the question!  I think this is a very important decision for everyone and shouldn't be taken lightly!

And way to go on those positive changes!  Giving up pop is next on my list, and probably the hardest thing for me out of all the changes I will have to make.


Highest weight ~ 360, Surgery weight ~ 280, Current weight ~ 171
Referral to bariatric registry ~ April 29, 2011  SURGERY ~ September 27, 2011
My  is Gailupnorth.

on 6/16/11 9:11 pm
I think it may be a good idea for you to try one last time.
I say that because having surgery itself is not easy and there can be complications afterwards. 
During the difficult times will you always think, "  I knew I should have tried one last time!" ?
For me I discovered this forum around 2007 or 2008 when I was searching for help. I read about people having plastic surgery like they were talking about their curtains or next door neighbour and I thought omg are these people crazy?? and I tried one more time, maybe even two or three. When I had the surgery I was ready. It was my last option. You need to be ready.
Good luck with your decisions.
Eileen C.
on 6/16/11 9:27 pm - Cornwall, Canada
Hi Tricia

I hear you about giving it the old college try one more time. 

We all have been there, but once again, will it be a time when you lose and then gain it back after a good try?

Keep up the work you are doing, anything you lose now will be less that you will want to lose later and will make your liver healthier for the surgery.

Remember, right up to the time you go to the op room you can always change your mind about the surgery, nothing is written in stone LOL, my advise would be to keep all your appointments and tests so that everything will be in place if you decide to continue with the surgery.

You are doing great in your weight loss journey, you are doing it for yourself; the added benefit is for the rest of your family.  Health wise, you will be healthier, feel better, look better, but the best will be that you may also eliminate some health issues and medications etc.

Take care and listen to your heart and body.


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