
Sweet C.
on 5/29/11 11:33 am - Woodslee, Canada
I got a few answers on my restlessness but the post is under i'm home and i really really need some advice on it.

I have severe leg restlessness every time i get tired and try to nap or sleep..  I dont know what to do about it. I have tried walking just before lying down.. massaging them and i am not allowed baths for another week roughly.. any ideas??

I am sooo damn tired and just want to get some sleep

on 5/29/11 12:45 pm - Cambridge, Canada

Hi Sweet C,

Dr Oz says having sex is suppose to be good for getting rid of RLS - restless leg syndrone.  Also RLS can also be a sign that you need additional potassium in your diet.

Perhaps some banana mashed up or blended in some of your food might help.


Auntie Sue

on 5/29/11 1:31 pm
Get your vitamins levels checked. If you don't have a history of it, it could also be a sign of something more serious - considering how soon you are since surgery.. I would call your clinic to check. The last thing you'd want is a blood clot or something.
on 5/30/11 12:31 am - Canada
I found that when i had RLS my iron was low. Just a thought.

It's so bothersome I know.
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