TMI - Day 6 of Optifast.....

on 5/29/11 9:15 am - Newmarket, Canada
So I've been doing pretty darn good so far I think...  I haven't cheated at all.... I'm drinking lots of water, getting my optifast in ok.. (i dont like the vanilla.. but I found if I mix it half and half with the chocolate.. its much better!!!!!)

I havent really even been hungry.  Ive had to watch my daughter and her grandfather eat homemade burgers and fries right in front of me... ive gone grocery shopping for the family.... and cooked meals for the kids... and I was ok... even wiped my finger when gravy got on it instead of licking it lol.....

But today.... im irritable.. emotional.........  and constipated :(   Is there anything we are allowed to take for this.. cuz its not fun at all... I still have two more weeks of this...  any suggestions?
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(deactivated member)
on 5/29/11 9:18 am - Kingston, Canada
I drank Benefiber in my water and it seemed to work pretty good. Optifast has no fiber in it so youll get all clogged up.

Youll be done soon. Youre doing great already. Keep it up! :)
on 5/29/11 9:22 am - Elginburg, Canada
I am one day behind you sister and I am feeling your pain.
Today is going surprising easy but yesterday was very hard.

I took my wife through McD's drive through and she ordered a 1/4 Pounder with bacon cobo and ate it in the truck right beside me.

It was absolute murder!!

When we got home I ate way too much sugar-free gum and cheated on a piece of watermelon, but I'm much more composed and focused today.

I think all of us leaning on each other during these hard times is a big help.
We will get through it!
Show strangers kindess....cause they may become friends    
Mike Terry
on 5/29/11 9:28 am - Staffa, Canada
 Dehydration maybe! I had a huge problem with this. Start practicing sipping all day. Getting your fluids in after the surgery is hard, was for me anyways. Really had to train myself to sip too. I was a big time gulper! Tried a gulp shortly after surgery and thought my chest was gonna explode!!
on 5/29/11 9:40 am - Canada
I used Benefibre right in my Optifast...made a big difference...

Keep going...You're doing GREAT and the pay off is SOOOO worth it!!

on 5/29/11 9:41 am
I used Benefibre a few times a day during optifast because I am so prone to constipation - it seemed to work.

Post-up benefibre has done nothing and I am using Restoralax and have used one senecot since surgery. Pooping is such a issue in my life. *sigh*

Keep up the good work to all of you optifasters!!! You're doing great and I'm saving a spot on the bench for you!
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
on 5/29/11 11:06 am - Toronto, Canada
Magnesium Oxide is very cheap and is great for constipation.  I take half a pill a day when I'm doing protein shakes. It doesn't work like fibre or other laxatives, it's a muscle relaxor and things just flow normally.
on 5/29/11 11:14 am - Kingston, Canada
Ho****er is a natural laxative that has worked very well for me......used to think Tim's Hortons coffee was the best bowel stimulant but really I think it was just the temperate
laura S.
on 5/29/11 11:45 am - London, Canada
Hi Paula,

I have problems all the time so when I read this about magnesium oxide I was interested in it as a new possibility.  You probably already know this information, but I thought I'd post it just in case...

Side effects of magnesium oxide may include nausea and cramping.[5] In quantities sufficient to obtain a laxative effect, side effects of long-term use include enteroliths resulting in bowel obstruction

Just putting it out there!  I doubt it happens right away or anything, but that's a pretty nasty side effect so thought I'd share!


on 5/30/11 11:11 am - Toronto, Canada
Thanks for the info Laura.  Never had any side effects.  I think it was Dr. Oz *****commended it but can't remember for sure.  I take it so seldom at this point I'm not worried.  I have used colace a stool softener before and it was useless when on codeine or morphine.  I also have used lactolose which is amazing and by prescription. My Dad was on heavy opiates and used it daily.  When I had a serious slip and fall two summers ago and on codeine I used it with great results.
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