Optifast Question

on 5/26/11 11:04 pm - Elginburg, Canada
Greetings everyone,

I'm new to the site and would like to say hello to everyone and take a moment to introduce myself.
I'm Freddy and have surgery schedule in Ottawa on June 15th. It's been a long and stressful haul getting here and when I finally received my surgery date I almost cried from happiness.

This is my 3rd day on the Optifast diet and I must admit, it's not the easiest thing to do but I've been waiting for this to happen for almost a year and a half, I don't care if it kills me, I will not mess this up.

I find myself watching the clock all the time waiting for my next Optifast but I do find this 3rd day is a bit easier than the first 2.

I have a question about the Optifast:

The directions state to mix with 300 mil of water.
I have been doing this, but I also throw in an additional cup of ice cubes and blend it up in my Vitamix. I find by adding the ice it makes it creamier and gives it more bulk.

Is it ok to add more water to the mix than what is called for?

Thanks a lot
on 5/26/11 11:08 pm - Canada
Don't worry about adding the ice - if it's more like a smoothie, that's just fine.
And you need more water anyway. They probably told you to drink clear fluids, didn't they?
It's all about hydration in addition to the nutrition and detox the OptiFast gives you.

You can also add other stuff to make it more palatable - instant decaf coffee grains to the chocolate, Crystal Lite to the vanilla, etc.

You will probably notice a heightened sense of smell, a difference in the smell of your sweat and your urine, and you may experience some mood swings.
Monica M.
on 5/26/11 11:29 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
absolutely, Freddy. Do what you need to to get it into you.
on 5/26/11 11:29 pm - Newmarket, Canada
HI Freddy!  Im having my surgery on June 14th in Toronto.. and Im on day four of Optifast.... I find that mixing half chocolate and half vanilla is really good... especially if you like one more than the other... I definitely add more water.. it usually ends up being 500ml by the time its all mixed together... I dont like it when its so thick!   I also like banana extract in the chocolate.....

Good luck to you and if you ever need to vent or compare notes just message me :)

Find me on facebook here:  
on 5/27/11 12:06 am - Elginburg, Canada
Thanks for the replies everyone :)
I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.

This forum is really great, it's awesome how supportive everyone is. I'm so looking forward to get my life back I can hardly contain myself.

I'm finding day 3 on Optifast not bad, I do feel hunger but only when I'm within an hour away of my next shake. Normally I'll just fill a glass with crystal light and sip on it until I'm elgible for my next optifast. After I week I plan on walking my dog 2 or 3 laps every day at the track in the school yard. I was reading that the more physical exercise you can do before surgery, the less chance you hAve of suffering from a blood clot etc.

I find at the moment I'm fairly tired all the time and am suffering from the suger/carb withdrawl headaches. Advil has been my friend. Not sure how long these symptoms will last but I'm sure I'm not the first person to feel this.

on 5/27/11 12:11 am - Athens, Canada
Welcome Freddy - Dr. Yelle performed my surgery 5 months ago. I had no complaints regarding the Ottawa hospital or clinic staff, everyone was great.  The Optifast stage isn't easy but it's doable. I wish you all the best for your upcoming surgery. Take care. 

  "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." -Robert Collier
Join Kingston Ontario WLS Support Group - Online @ OH 

  HW: 267         SW: 248       GW:155       LW: 132      CW: 143-148      

on 5/27/11 12:22 am - Ottawa, Canada
Hi Freddy!!

Welcome to the forum.  We're a crazy but lovable bunch!!  One thing though, you mentioned taking Advil.  I was under the impression we weren't supposed to take NSAIDS so soon before the surgery and definitely not after.  You might want to check into that.  Would hate to see it cause any complications for you.  Then again, I may be wrong!

Good luck on your Optifast!!  I'm hoping to be there too some day.

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
on 5/27/11 12:51 am - Elginburg, Canada
Thanks for that Lisa,
I have my pre-op appt this Monday so I'll be sure to ask them while I'm there.

on 5/27/11 1:04 am - Canada
Congrats Freddy and welcome aboard.

I actually had an easier time on day one and two of Optifast than the others because I was so gung-ho and got myself on a great schedule etc. What I did when I got to that hour where I was hungry but it wasn't time for my shake is when I would supplement with the other clear fluids we're allowed. I'd either have a decaf tea or, more often, a fat free broth (chicken, beef, veggie). This made it almost seem like I was always eating, so I rarely felt hungry.

As well, Lisa's right about the Advil. I'm not sure how soon before surgery but I would invest in some Tylenol asap and get rid of the Advil. Also, when buying Tylenol, you may want to consider your tiny post-surgery pouch and not get the big honkin' tabs.

Good luck with the Opti (Vanilla mixed with ice, water and a Nestee blueberry pomegranite single was the magic mix for me) and we look forward to walking this journey with you.

~Just another day for you and me in paradise. 

on 5/27/11 1:14 am - Elginburg, Canada
Thanks for the advice and the welcome.
Actually, hunger set in real bad about 30 minutes ago, it took all my willpower not to drive down to Saigon Delight and get a #5 (evil smiley)

I'm going to tackle this the same way I did when I quit smoking 10 years ago....one day at a time.
I find this forum is a huge help because everyone can relate to what each other is going through.

I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tire all the time and feel like I've got such a big chance coming up, a chance to be healthy and inependant again.

Yesterday was hard, my wife was making BLT's for her dinner when she came home from work and the smell of the bacon frying drove me insane! I actually left the house and took a dog for the walk.

One day at a time...

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