I'm home

Sweet C.
on 5/28/11 3:56 pm - Woodslee, Canada
Okay had my surgery Wednesday and I am doing good.. I had to stay an extra day in hospital due to low oxygen levels and blood pressure dropping but all is well now.. I have a few questions though

Did anyone else get a all over achy feel and just a total restless feeling when they tried to sleep?  If so what do u do for it? I am dying here.. I am dead tired and my body just dont want to let me sleep ahhhhh

slowly getting into the rythm of things I THINK .. i am sure i will be asking a ton of questions be prepared

on 5/28/11 10:29 pm
Congratulations on being on the other side of surgery.  I am pre-op, so I do not know if your sleeplessness is due to the operation/medication or something else

Leslie W.
on 5/28/11 10:35 pm - Cobourg, Canada
The anesthetic really impact the individual. I think people don't give it enough credit to hit you like a ton of bricks. Sometimes it takes longer to recover form that than the surgery. Unfortunatley you just have to let it clear your syste. Make sure your pain is under good control, Keep hydrated and soon it will pass. Just listen to your body and rest betweeen your walking.

Hope you feel better soon
Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 5/28/11 10:56 pm
 I had that restless feeling too, but attributed it to basically doing so little during the day as to not have "earned'' a good nights sleep.  I found that if I took my tylenol just before bed, it helped with my sleep and as soon as I got moving more, I slept much better.

Welcome to tbe bench!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


Sweet C.
on 5/28/11 11:56 pm - Woodslee, Canada
I have no pain so I am not taking anything for pain.. its just this restless thing at night thats killing me.. well its all day and all night it just dont go away. I hope it does soon..
on 5/29/11 12:00 am - Cambridge, Canada
Hey there, I had my surgery Tue am in Guelph.  Didn't even know you were there.  I got out on Friday at 5:30. 
I am having the exact same problem. I couldn't sleep last night either and wanted to scream! I also have that all over weird feeling.  I only have gas pain occassionally.  I fix it with walking sort of lol.  I stayed extra as well because of pain and nausea. 
Too bad we didn't meet up in hospital.


Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

Tracey P.
on 5/29/11 6:01 am - Canada
Hi There

I had my surgery in Guelph on May 11th. I had a little pain in my shoulders for a few days. The restless sleep lasted for me for about a week. Now I feel better than I have in years. It has been almost three weeks and I can already notice the differences, many of my friends have also commented on how great I am looking. I am thrilled that I have finely gotten this surgery and cannot wait for what my future holds. Good luck with your weight loss journey.
Sweet C.
on 5/29/11 7:08 am - Woodslee, Canada
Char what floor were you on?  I was on 5 and stuck with a ton of old senile ladies I was going nuts.  I hope to god something can be done for this restlessness because I am dead tired and want to get some good sleep in.  I have lost about 20lbs so far since the start of my optifast and I am looking forwards to the rest of my weight loss
on 5/29/11 9:54 am
Welcome to the bench!

Not sure about the restlessness... I was quite comfy in the hospital due to the abundance of morphine. :) It will pass I'm sure... a painkiller probably wouldn't hurt either.

My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
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