
on 5/24/11 12:26 pm - Kingston, Canada
July 13th is my surgery date!  I don't know  if that's good or bad because its my son's birthday and he is turning 2.  On the other hand, I already know its my lucky date!  Oh...and I had my ECG today and its looking like I don't have a heart murmur or anything out of the ordinary.  Unofficial results from the tech. 

Another positive is that I need to go and have an ultrasound on my gut to find out if my gallbladder is inflamed...if it is, Dr. Sohi will remove it when he's in there rerouting me.  Weeeeee
on 5/24/11 12:28 pm - Newmarket, Canada
Congrats!!!!!  My surgery date is June 14th with Dr. Hagen at H.R.R.H!!!   I started my Optifast today... so exciting!!!
Find me on facebook here:
on 5/24/11 12:30 pm
YAHOOOO that is so exciting
glad everything worked out for you
it will be here before you know it...
on 5/24/11 12:32 pm
Congrats on getting your surgery date :)  Of course you know it is your lucky day!  My son was born on July, 32 years ago.  LOL

Glad to hear your unofficial results of the ECG.
on 5/24/11 1:23 pm - Canada
congrats hun....thats wonderful  glad theres no heart problems.....the time will fly by....and you'll be on the bench in no time....have fun with
Megan M.
on 5/24/11 9:10 pm - Canada
Congratulatiions on your upcoming date - I'm hoping for a July/August date myself - surgeon teleconference is June 21.  Don't worry about your son's birthday - he's young enough that you can change the party date if you need to and he won't know the difference.  God bless the little ones!
Kristen D.
on 5/24/11 9:59 pm - Kingston , Canada
Awesome news Emmie!
    My Angel is Karen M
on 5/24/11 11:18 pm - Athens, Canada
So glad to hear that everything is a go for you and that all is well with your heart. Now that you have a date the time will definitely fly by.  Take care and I wish you all the best.
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