All appointments complete
Well completed my scope yesterday now comes the long wait to finally get my teleconference with a surgeon with a surgery date shortly there after. I am told that it should happen by the end of summer or basicly any time over the next 3 months. Well here is to my continued progress, i think the hardest thing will be that there isn't an actual appointment but rather just waiting to get a call. It seems easier when you at least have the appointment date as you can do the countdown but when you at least know of the upcoming appointments. well here is to limbo land and the last stretch of waiting.

Hey girls Ron called me yesterday...he wished me luck for next thursday and told me to call him when Im better..Still cant believe that Im the first one from the center to have surgery that freaks me out lol..When Ron told me that I was like hmm no pressure eh Ron LOL..we had a good chuckle..but Im glad its going to be over and done with soon..and soon you all will have your dates too..I wish you all good luck and Ill be waiting to see that you guy get your dates :)
Referral sent: July 23rd 2010
Orientation,Nurse Practitioner,Dietitian.Psychologist,ECG&Blood Work:November1st&2nd 2010
Ultrasound: November 25th 2010
Scope: December 29th 2010
Internist: January 5th 2011
Surgeon appt and Surgical Education Class March 17th 2011
Surgery: May 26th 2011
My Beautiful
is my Joy Joy!!! ( Joy D.)
Orientation,Nurse Practitioner,Dietitian.Psychologist,ECG&Blood Work:November1st&2nd 2010
Ultrasound: November 25th 2010
Scope: December 29th 2010
Internist: January 5th 2011
Surgeon appt and Surgical Education Class March 17th 2011
Surgery: May 26th 2011
My Beautiful

Thank you :)..yeah would have been soon if there werent a little screw up in the center with my file but atleast its happening :)...good luck to you too and I hope you get a date very soon :)
Referral sent: July 23rd 2010
Orientation,Nurse Practitioner,Dietitian.Psychologist,ECG&Blood Work:November1st&2nd 2010
Ultrasound: November 25th 2010
Scope: December 29th 2010
Internist: January 5th 2011
Surgeon appt and Surgical Education Class March 17th 2011
Surgery: May 26th 2011
My Beautiful
is my Joy Joy!!! ( Joy D.)
Orientation,Nurse Practitioner,Dietitian.Psychologist,ECG&Blood Work:November1st&2nd 2010
Ultrasound: November 25th 2010
Scope: December 29th 2010
Internist: January 5th 2011
Surgeon appt and Surgical Education Class March 17th 2011
Surgery: May 26th 2011
My Beautiful

Great news! It won't be long now. Even though 3 months seems ages, just realize that we're nearly 1/2 way thru the year. Doesn't New Year's seem just last week?
You`ll have to let me know when you`re date is so I can be in the hospital with you (if you want).
You`ll have to let me know when you`re date is so I can be in the hospital with you (if you want).

Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.