Protein shake essentials

on 5/3/11 12:17 am
 Would someone be able to tell me what we need to look for in a good protein shake, aside from something that tastes good?

Thanks, Pat
on 5/3/11 12:22 am - Canada
Low carb
Low sugar
Low fat
High protein.

I use 100% concentrated & Isolated whey protein, 27g of protein.

the one at costco is good. Premium i think it's called. I also think it's got 30g of protein in it. I use that one when travelling because it's in a juice box container and already mixed up.

Marny B.
on 5/3/11 1:37 am - Canada
A "whey isolate" is the highest quality you can get.  You have a few things to consider.  Most health food stores will have a selection of protein powders in the traditional chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavours.  However, you can also find high protein shake powders that are mixed with water and are more like "juice".  Some example brands are Weiders fruit splash (which you can usually find at Shoppers, and comes in a peach/mango flavour), Nectar, and Fit 4 Ever (Natural black raspberry is my favourite).  If you go someplace like a "Popeye's supplements", they will often have containers already open so you can try the flavours.  It might be the best way to go at first, and then try to find the one you like at the best price elsewhere.  If you have a "Popeye's" around you, check their website or call.  Sometime in the summer they have a big customer appreciation sale, and you can get some great deals.

If you think you'll like to mix your protein powder with other things like yogurt, milk, berries,'ll need a good blender.  I have a bullet and have been happy with it overall, however, sometimes I find the containers are a little too small and if I am adding too much to my shake, I sometimes have to do it in 2 shifts.  Power wise, it does a really good job of mixing things up.  It is also very easy to clean. 

Keep in mind (something I had no idea about before someone told me), you must drink your protein shake within 3 hours (but preferably less), otherwise, the protein de-naturalizes, and isn't any good to you.  I had no idea of this.  I was using my fruit flavoured protein to flavour my Greek yogurt which I would mix, and then pack in my lunch to have midday ....oopsie.

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 5/3/11 8:08 am
 Thanks Marny.  I will try the Popeye's.  They are in the same plaza where I work.
Mary A.
on 5/3/11 1:45 am
sorry I have to chuckle...even after consuming whey protein 2 years + 3 months post-op..I don;t think any of it tastes "good"  tolerable and YES you can doctor it up to make it mre palatable./.but truth be told it's part of our lives now and sometimes we just have to "suck it up"

but then each person has a different palate and different tastes..I knwo people who absolutly LOVE mint flavoured which I say yuck..the Dessert lines I have found a couple that aren't to bad, but fo rthe most part I stick with my IsoPro low carb unflavoured and use SF syrups and small amounts of fruit to make it suit my taste.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Marny B.
on 5/3/11 1:49 am - Canada
I agree.  I find it so much easier to get my protein in with the added shake each day, but usually after the first week or so, I am sick of what I have....too bad most of it comes in 2 pound containers ;)
I found this especially with protein bars.  I bought a box of detour bars to keep in my purse for emergencies.  The first one I had I was like "HEY!  This is really good".  Now just the sight of them makes me gag.  lol

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


Mary A.
on 5/3/11 2:00 am, edited 5/5/11 4:49 am
On May 3, 2011 at 8:49 AM Pacific Time, Marny B. wrote: I agree.  I find it so much easier to get my protein in with the added shake each day, but usually after the first week or so, I am sick of what I have....too bad most of it comes in 2 pound containers ;)

I found this especially with protein bars.  I bought a box of detour bars to keep in my purse for emergencies.  The first one I had I was like "HEY!  This is really good".  Now just the sight of them makes me gag.  lol I hea ryou that's what ncie if you have people locally that you develop friendships with and you can exchange proteins...I give them 5 coops of my brand they give me 5 scoop of theirs...LOL

I have several brands of protein/bariatric type bars that I have on hand..and that I pretty much stick to..I usually will buy only (one or two of something I haven't tried)...but the following are stocked at my desk~!

Myoplex Lite -   Chocolate Chip Crisp(delicious)  190 calories, carbs 26, 15 g protein
Oh Yeah  - Almond Fudge Brownie 190 calories 18 g carbs and 14 g protein
Full Bar (Bariatric Bar) 160 calories 4 grams protein

and if I am really desperate I will reach for a Power Bar by Harvest  - not very often though
10 g protein but the carbs are higher than I would usually consume

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 5/3/11 8:06 am
Wow ladies.  Thank you so much for your information.  That has been most helpful.  I guess I don't know what low carb numbers, protein numbers etc.  I should be shopping for.  If you aren"t a member at Costco can you still shop there?

Thanks, Pat
on 5/3/11 8:25 am - Canada
RNY on 03/16/12
You can shop at Costco if you go with someone who has the membership. I do this all the time since I don't go there enough.


Marny B.
on 5/3/11 9:16 am - Canada
If you are in the rapid weight loss phase, I have heard from others that you should try to keep your carbs per day between 30-40 grams, which I find near impossible, and instead,  I usually range from 50-60.  Protein powders generally have lower carb numbers than the bars.  Be careful to look for the carbs in the different bars that you may buy.  Some can have upwards of 30 carbs just per bar! 

A good protein bar will have 16 carbs or less, and aprox. 15 grams of protein.  Most protein powders range from 20-30 grams of protein.  The ones you mix with milk are higher in protein because the milk you are using to make them has a good amount of protein.  From all the things that I have read, 30 grams of protein is the maximum of what you need in one sitting, because the rest wont be adequately used by your body.  However, some people don;t agree.  I guess you'd have to read and decide for yourself. 

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


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