For thise who did full fluids for 2 weeks...

on 4/28/11 10:49 pm - Canada
For those that had to do 2 weeks clear fluids, then 2 weeks full fluids..what was your first "real" meal when you were allowed to eat solid food...

I am almost there and can't decide what would be the best thing to try first...

Any input would be fantastic!  thanks!
on 4/28/11 11:23 pm - kitchener, Canada
 Mine was cottage cheese and half a crisp bread.... I wanted to start off slowly and have done so far quite well. However on Tuesday night this week I ate some mushrooms that were cooked and either were too big or not cooked enough because I ended up throwing up a couple of times and if I didn't know any better would have said it was dumping (not that I have done that yet and there was not sugar involved in cooking the mushrooms).
My advice weigh everything and take it slow.... keep us posted !!
HW:286lbs SW:255lbs Clinic GW:190lbs Surgeon GW:160lbs MyGW:140lbs    
Joyce J.
on 4/28/11 11:37 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

Dumping is very severe, vomitting, heart palpitations, sweats,
Dumping could have occured if you cooked the mushrooms in some kind of fat, but likely it was just that they were not chewed enough or something

Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 4/29/11 12:37 am - St Thomas, Canada
Be aware that you can dump on sugar and fat. Fat affects me more then sugar.


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on 4/28/11 11:42 pm - kitchener, Canada
 Hi Joyce, yes their was sweating, dizziness and periods of "i want to just die" , I cooked the mushrooms with a drop of butter and water to stop them from sticking to the pan. More than likely they should have been cooked longer and/or were eaten too fast. Not somethingI want to repeat, needless to
HW:286lbs SW:255lbs Clinic GW:190lbs Surgeon GW:160lbs MyGW:140lbs    
Joyce J.
on 4/28/11 11:49 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hope you are feeling better. I have only dumped once in 6 years and it was not fun that's for sure

Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 4/28/11 11:52 pm - kitchener, Canada
 Yes, by the time I woke up on Wednesday I was fine but I've gone back to the mushy stage just to give my pouch i bit of a break. The poor thing didn't know what to do, lessons are being learned
HW:286lbs SW:255lbs Clinic GW:190lbs Surgeon GW:160lbs MyGW:140lbs    
on 4/28/11 11:56 pm - Canada
My first meal was poached egg and a bit of toast (toasted pretty dark)

Started Process Oct 2009
June 10th 2010 - Surgery
My  is Patrina
HW: 409.8lbs, Optifast SW: 391.8, SW: 366 SGW:210 GW200 

Mike Terry
on 4/29/11 12:34 am - Staffa, Canada
  My first meal was also toast and egg, and for lunch I had some low fat cheese and melba toast. I remember so wanting to get to this stage after 2 weeks of clear liquids and 2 weeks of full fluids. I got to tell ya, I was depressed after these meals because I built it up so much and I could eat so little of it and it filled me up so fast that I didn't enjoy it at all. Took a couple of days for my mind and stomach to get use to eating again.
on 4/29/11 5:35 pm - Canada
 how did you manage to change your mind set that smaller portions of foods are fulfilling? 
Having to eat big portions unconsciously associates portions with level of satisfaction.. I am afraid I will have a problem with this since I had a band and I never felt satisfied!
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