HELP..need advice...

on 4/25/11 6:51 am - Canada
Thank you everyone for your help and advice...guess I was just freaking out.  I have worked so hard to get here and when I stopped seeing the numbers drop I went into panic mode. 

I made hubby hide the scales and only give them back to me every monday morning...that's it!

Thanks again everyone you all rock!..not sure what I would do without this board!

on 4/25/11 11:23 am - Ottawa, Canada
Please don't worry, I actually in the second and third week lost only two pounds after losing 2 a day like you did. Then I gained the two pounds! But the pounds are now coming off steadier but more slowly. I think that the quick weight loss you experience right after surgery, needs for your body to adjust to it and so that it is not jus****er weight. Please don't obsess, I actually did, but everyone gave me great advice on this site to just sit tight and not to worry.
Take care,

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