5 days out and I am hungry!

on 4/16/11 5:38 am - Canada
I am 5 days out and only allowed to have water, broth, diluted juices, decaf tea and coffee and SF popscicles..but I am hungry or I think I am ..I don't know....I can't start full fluids till the 23rd! 

I am not sure I can hold out....

on 4/16/11 5:48 am - Canada
Where did you have surgery? I had my TWH and they gave me full fluids on my second day. I thought you could have full fluids when you came home.

Referal  to Humber River February 28, 2010
Questionaire July 14, 2010
Transfered to Toronto Westen General September 3, 2010
Orientatio November3, 2010
Nurse and social Worker January 26, 2011
Dietician and Nutrition Class February 2, 2011
Psych February 4, 2011
Surgeon March 11, 2011
Surgery March 28, 2011 TWH 
Geri T.
on 4/16/11 5:48 am - Blenheim, Canada
it probably is head hunger.

I had my surgery at TWH and am on full liquids already.

Hang in there girl...you'll make it

Andrew Thompson
on 4/16/11 6:15 am - Canada
You aren't hungry. I thought I was too.

You are used to eating thing and your mind expects that.
You're also under strain from the operation and we used to turn to food to comfort us.
Your guts are probably growling and we mistake that for hunger when it's just gas burbling through.

Think positive and follows the rules. Things will sort itself out.

Before the surgery I kept putting things off. I was never good enough. One of the benefits of WLS is that you start to believe in yourself. Check out my blog:
All Things CPAP

on 4/16/11 6:40 am

I was hungry too around the same time.  By week 2 I was ready to eat my arm.  I thought that stage was harder than optifast.  I actually wished I was drinking Opti while I was on the clear diet.  Guelph does not allow protien shakes so we basically survive on 100 calories a day for 2 weeks.  Are you taking in all of the portions now?  Drinking more water helped me.  Take care.

on 4/16/11 7:08 am - Canada
Hi Donna..yes I am getting in all the fluids they told me too....I am finding these 2 weeks also harder then when on optifast..at least then I didn't feel hungry at all! Guelph is really strict compared to others I have read.

It is also making it hard for me cause my hubby can't cook so I have to cook for them and smelling the food doesn't help!

7 more days to go on this...have to keep telling myself I can do this!

on 4/16/11 7:20 am
Sounds like were married to the same man :)  I have 3 kids too and a husband who can't boil water.  It is soo much better when your on full fluids. Trust me.  By week 3 I was ready for the full diet.  We are physically hungry.  I felt light headed and no energy.  You are truly burning your body fat now.  I lost 36 pounds in the first month and that does not include 17 on optifast.  So there is any upside I guess????  I started in a size 24/26 and I'm now in 18's (and they are a little baggy)
I also drank decaf tea and the heat helped get me past the hunger.  Dr Reed told me by day 10 you should be drinking 2 L of water.  So drink,drink,drink..
Take care,
on 4/16/11 8:08 am - Canada
 Maybe you just miss chewing something?

You should be able to have SF jello, which may help. Also, try crushing up some ice and water in a blender with some crystal light powder. It will give you a sort of slurpee you can chew on. 

It helped me. You got this far, you can keep going!
Highest Weight - 372 (May 2010)
Surgery Weight - 332.6 (March 4, 2011)
Current Weight - 212.9
Goal Weight - 175
brenda L.
on 4/16/11 10:09 am - niagara falls, Canada
Wow. Your not allowed Boost or anything with protein?

 I feel for you.   I was sick at first and had very little but the Boost kept me going.
Do you have any energy?



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