Almost 4 months out.

on 4/9/11 8:41 am - London, Canada
Hi Strangers ,

It's been a while once again but I am back to update.  On the 18th I will be 4 months out from surgery.  Alltogether I am down a grand total of 91 lbs.  Can't wait to hit that 100 mark.  It is very exciting.  I am still having a hard time seeing the loss. I can see it in my face and when I really concentrate on shecking myself out in the mirror.  I think the main reason I don't see it so much is that I avoided mirrors pre surgery.  SO the only time I horrified myself was when someone caught me on camera. 

I am feeling pretty good health wise.  I seem to have a stall for a week or 2 and then I will lose 10 and then have another stall.  I am having a lot of knee pain (which I will post about under a new topic to see if anyone else has this experience.) 

I got my bloodwork done early as I had Low Potassium after a bout of the flu and dehydration a couple of months ago.
My bloodwork came back low for B12 and Iron.  As well as I have low good cholesterol.  Otherwise all is good.

I am going to take 1000mcg of sublingual B12/day for 100 days and retest to see if it works.  If not I will have to discuss shots.  I am not sure about the iron but so far they are going to just retest that when I get tested next.
The good cholesterol though should be improved once I start exersizing (I haven't been because of my various leg issues). I plan to begin aquafit once I move at the end of the month.  I am in a mad scramble to pack every night

Hope everyone is doing well.  I miss you all and haven't been keeping up.  There has been a lot going on in my family and life.  Hopefully when it calms down I will have more time to focus on posting and my health in general.


on 4/9/11 9:25 am - Canada
congrats, that is super great for 4 months out
on 4/9/11 10:34 am - London, ON
WOW...91lbs down at 4 months out! Congrats girl, thats amazingggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good to see you back :) 
ur doing amazing

Barix Consultation May 26, 2009             OHIP Papers Faxed May 29, 2009
OHIP APPROVAL JULY 14, 2009!!        PATS August 3rd, 2009
Surgery August 13th, 2009

Starting Weight: 278 lbs
Current Weight: 109 lbs           Total loss so far of 169 lbs     BMI 18.7

alyciacrandon.jpg picture by Alycia87

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/11 1:41 pm
Congratulations Kim, you are doing amazing!
Hope all goes well on your move and enjoy your aquafit.
on 4/10/11 1:03 am - Cambridge, Canada
Congrats on your success, wow 91 lbs.  I'm sure you will get the other issue in order in no time.


Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

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