WELL....drum roll please!

on 4/5/11 11:42 am - Belleville, Canada

Great new today for me after meeting the surgeon for my final visit.My surgery date is MAY 4, 2011!
OMG! I start optifast in 2 weeks, holy crap! I can't beleive it's finally happening. My drive home to Belleville went by like a flash because I am so frigging happy. My mind was racing. I put the the car on cruise so I wouldn't speed home to tell my family. I am looking forward to new beginnings, so save me a space on the bench girls (and boys)...;)

Sent referral July2010 to HRRH, Info session Dec 2,2010, Meeting with surgeon Jan26/11,Feb2/11 GBC/Dt/SW/(Dr Glazer) Mar 23/11, Surgery 04/05/11, 10 lbs below goal!

on 4/5/11 11:45 am
I remember the feeling like it was yesterday! good news for you! Yay!!!
on 4/5/11 11:51 am - GUELPH, Canada
congradulations, the time will fly by....
on 4/5/11 12:01 pm - Cannifton, Canada
 Great news ... I will be doing hopefully the same thing in a couple days. Driving home to Belleville with a surgery date nice and soon. :)


Feb 19 2010 Referral to Ottawa         Nov 24 2010 Orientation at TWH
Jan 25 2011 Nurse                               Feb 16 2011 Social Worker
March 10 2011 Psychiatrist                 April 8 2011 Surgeon
Surgery May 9 2011                             Bowel Obstruction/ internal Hernia Feb 13 2013  

on 4/5/11 12:11 pm - Midland, Canada
YAY!!  Dont worry, theres lots of room on the bench for you. Happy for you, and optifast aint that bad either, i actually enjoyed it.    Good luck
Wendy E.
on 4/5/11 8:15 pm - Gananoque, Canada
Thats awesome news. Not to far away. Good luck with the optifast.

Wendy E
on 4/5/11 8:21 pm - Canada
 YAY! It will go *so* quickly now!

Highest Weight - 372 (May 2010)
Surgery Weight - 332.6 (March 4, 2011)
Current Weight - 212.9
Goal Weight - 175
Monica M.
on 4/5/11 10:01 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
that's so wonderful!! Congrats.
on 4/5/11 10:10 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Yay!!  Very exciting!

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
on 4/5/11 11:16 pm - Newmarket, Canada
so exciting!!!   I have my last appointment on Monday with Dr. Hagen... I was told to bring money for my optifast so Im hoping my date wont be too far behind yours!!!!   This last week has been a killer on my patience hahaha
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