What is your least noble reason for wanting to lose weight?

on 4/5/11 2:57 am, edited 4/5/11 3:51 am
I read a post on the main board, that I rather enjoyed!  It was something along the lines of a women being glad to show off her slim body to her SIL, who is mean to her and her children.  It made me think about any selfish reasons that I also harboured. 

First of all,  I and probably most all of us, wanted to lose weight for my health and that alone was enough of a reason to do it.  That being said.....

I love being smaller than some of those women who thought they could flirt with my husband right in front of me because I was so overweight!  I can still hear, ya know?

What are some less than noble reasons that you want to lose weight?

No Martyrs - only the wrong reasons are acceptable, lol!

Edited for sloppy writing!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


Karen M.
on 4/5/11 3:02 am, edited 4/5/11 3:11 am - Mississauga, Canada
I saw this on the MB too and thought it was funny.

My *****y reason:  Cuz for once I wanted the HOT guy.  Not the nice, funny, smart guy damnit, HOT.  Mission accomplished.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Andrew Thompson
on 4/5/11 7:29 am - Canada
 So it's official? You're dumping Mr Incredible?

Before the surgery I kept putting things off. I was never good enough. One of the benefits of WLS is that you start to believe in yourself. Check out my blog:
All Things CPAP

Karen M.
on 4/5/11 7:30 am - Mississauga, Canada

Apparently so!



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/11 3:03 am, edited 4/5/11 3:03 am - Toronto, Canada
My less than noble reason is almost embarrassing....

When I worked at VISA 15 years ago I met a guy and we had an instant connection.  We were together ALL THE TIME and people thought we were dating.  I liked him in that way and he liked me too in that same way.  People asked why he never asked me out and his reply was because he would be embarrassed by my weight.  That hurt so much.  After the dept. closed I never saw him again.... until recently.  We both work in the financial district here in TO and I sometimes see him near my office building.  I'd love to be able to "bump" into him post-surgery and show off my new self. 

There's also a few relatives [cousins/aunts] who always made fun of me because of my weight and I cant wait to show off my new slender self to them.  Im not sure I'd tell them that I had surgery....lol!

ETA:  VISA guy still asks about me - we have some mutual friends and they tell me he always asks how I'm doing. 
on 4/5/11 3:36 am - Port Rowan, Canada
Being told by an ex-boyfriend from many moons ago that I am HOT.  It's nice to be found attractive...especially by someone that knew me at my slimmest and hottest.  LOL

Don't get me wrong...as I said in my post regarding that experience a week or so ago, I don't want any part of that ex, God knew best when He blessed me with my husband, who has always found me beautiful, but it sure was nice to hear him say how "HOT" I am after all these years! 

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
  but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? ~Maria Robinson

HW:  292 lbs          SW:  226 lbs        Clinic's GW:  160 lbs          My GW: 145 lbs
on 4/5/11 3:42 am
Other than the obvious health reasons, and that I want to stop feeling like my head is going to pop of when I do up my shoes...here's the "other list" lol

I have some clothes I want to wear so bad! (not necessarily together lol)

- Lu Lu Lemon Sweater (every thin 22 year old woman owns one around here lol...and I want to join that club..BAD)

-American Eagle Jeans (I feel like I'm supposed to say I'm looking for a gift for my sister when I go in the store)

-Knee High Boots ...not rubber boots ...Leather Heels baby! that will actually zip up

Just some things I have never worn..CANT WAIT!


on 4/5/11 3:44 am - St Thomas, Canada

I wanted to be the "skinny" one in the family for a change!

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Marny B.
on 4/5/11 3:51 am - Canada
I have similar thoughts to many of the posts above.  I want to feel like the ******y mama in the room instead of just the girl with the "pretty face".  I want to walk into the mall and marvel at the number of stores I am able to shop at.  Recently, I have been finding that many of the things at Penningtons are too big, even size X!  It is such a weird and wonderful feeling to find that an item is unavailable to me because it is too big.  What a trip!  One day, not too far from now, the whole mall will be my oyster! Mwahahahaha!

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 4/5/11 4:08 am
I just found out recently that there is a reuinion being held especially for the group of childhood friends that grew up going to the cottage (and the surrounding cottages) in Penetanguishine. This is happening on July 15th or around there. Well my first love will be there - a young man I lost my viriginity to when I we were 16. We got in contactg recently and he told me that I was one of his first loves. I had known him since I was 10 years old. Oh summer love! Anyway I really don't want to be obese when I see him this summer seeing as I was very slim when we went out. I'm a little worried as to what I will look like - surgery may not be till end May and I'm at a BMI of 42....
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
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