Humber River

on 3/31/11 4:23 am - Canada
How long did everyone wait for your first call after your referral? I emailed the registry and they told me I was referred to Humber River. What are the wait times looking like?

Thanks :)
on 3/31/11 4:33 am - Barrie, Canada
My sister was referred to Humber River in August of last year...I followed up with them in October for her...and they called her in for her "initial cession" in November.  She has been going through the tests etc since then...but has still not been scheduled for surgery.   Now she did have a little delay because of scheduling appointments (she's a nurse and has to work around her schedule).  I think her last test is hopefully she will have a date soon.  They did tell her when she started the process that her surgery date wouldn't be until the they are on track.

The number for Humber River is 416-747-3720 if you want to give them a call to see where things are at for you.

Good luck.
on 3/31/11 5:49 am, edited 3/31/11 5:51 am
I waited more than a year for my first appointment, but my case was very unusual (because I went in just as they started to set u the registry) acccording to data Erica's recently collected. I think right now the wait is between 6-8 months to first appointment and then 3-5 to surgery depending on your tests and situation.
on 3/31/11 7:09 am - Newmarket, Canada
For me it was 6 months to the day from my referal to my first call... but since then it has moved along pretty quickly... and I am at Humber... I go on the 11 of april to get my date :).. here is my timeline.... but i think its a bit different for everyone....

July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study
Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram and Breathing Tests
Feb 17/11 - Meeting with Medical Internist
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian & the social worker
April 11/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen to get surgery date

Find me on facebook here:
tera P.
on 3/31/11 11:26 am - Picton, Canada
I was reffered in October 2010
got my orientation letter in January for Feb14th
appointment with the surgeon March 18th
Appointment with dietician, social worker,and gastric bypass class April 29th
second appointment with surgeon and pre op May 24 (pick up optifast)
surgery June 20th :)
* 8 months from start to surgery :)
on 3/31/11 11:34 am - Canada
Thank you everyone for responding! I think I will be waiting awhile as I was referred the end of Feb. The problem I have is I keep bouncing back and forth...should I do it or not? I know if it was right around the corner I wouldn't be as hard because I have less time to think about it! With summer coming and as we slowly take off the layers, I feel huge! I am my biggest ever and wish there was a quicker fix!

Thanks so much I have a better idea on how long I will be waiting :)
on 4/8/11 6:29 am

Mine was very quick too! They said it could be 14 months from the time of my referral (which was in mid September), but I got a letter in February, had all of my appointments in February and March, and just got my surgery date of MAY 13TH yesterday from my surgeon. So from the time of my referral to my actual surgery it will be almost exactly 8 months! This to me was a short time :)

Keep in mind though that I didn't have to do any extra testing like a sleep study or any extra scans etc... I also check for cancellations for my SW/RD appointments and got in a month early for those 2 appts!


My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
on 4/9/11 3:56 am - Canada
 Howcome they did not request a sleep study? did they tell you why?.. I am going to humber as well and I have Dr Klein as my surgeon.. how did you find him?

Thanks :)
Jan 27,11: Referral sent received Jan 28, 11.Feb 11,11: H pylori Test Feb 17,11: Abdominal Ultrasound Feb 26,11: H.Pylori Positive  March 7,11: Orientation baby :)March 31,11: H.P breath test (-) April 6,11: Sleep Test
There is always an Open door
Cheryl D.
on 4/8/11 6:45 am - Toronto, Canada
I waited just over a year to hear from them and start getting appointments but after that it went quickly.  This was before they set up the Central Registry however.  At that time you were just referred to the Bariatric Center directly by your family doctor.

Best of luck to  you :)


No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
on 4/18/11 2:03 am - Canada
I got my info session booked yeah!! So what happens after the info session?
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