Nurse and Social WorkerAppt.

on 3/22/11 12:41 am - Canada
 Anyone know roughly what will be asked or gone over at these appointments? just curious! Thanks so much!

on 3/22/11 12:44 am - Newmarket, Canada
I just had my appointments last week.. if you go to my page you can read my blog.. I talked about what we went over.. hope it helps!
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on 3/22/11 9:10 am - Windsor, Canada
Kristina, if you want to score points then walk in there already having a decent understanding of the risks and lifestyle changes associated with bariatric surgery. If you are here already, I'm guessing you've got that covered.

The nurse will mostly establish a baseline with your health and go over your medical history in greater detail than you probably can imagine. It's probably on file somewhere there that I had an ear ache when I was 9. LOL.

The social worker will want to make sure you are in the right frame of mind about the surgery and will ask obvious questions meant to learn if there are underlying issues such as depression or other mental illness. It's a pleasant interview and I did not feel intimidated by the social worker, although it always feels weird discussing certain things with total strangers. I just tried to keep in-mind they are professionals and not out to beat you up about anything. The SW will ask you to keep an "emotional eating diary" which - in my case at least - she reviewed at a 2nd meeting.
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