New - going to HRRH - Timeline?

on 3/15/11 10:50 pm, edited 3/15/11 11:31 pm
Good Morning!

So I'm new to this, but my mom is on here...Hey was just wondering what other members wait times were like for HRRH.  My doctor sent in my referral at the end of July 2010, it was sent to Ottawa, I called them and asked that they send it to Toronto because it was closer. It was sent to Humber, I called them and they asked if i wanted to come to the information session on March 14, 2011.  So now that I have been to the Info (Orientation) session, how long has everyone else found it took to hear about appointments. I was also wondering are they usually understanding about booking more than one appointment in a day (I live 2 1/2 hrs away).

Thanks for your input :) 
on 3/16/11 12:42 am
I don't know about Toronto, but in Windsor we received our first 4 appointments at the orientation and at Guelph they were to call the next day to get the first 3 appointments and they were all on the same day.  I'm sure someone from Toronto will reply with more helpful info.  I would think they would put all the appointments on one day since you live a distance away.
My angels are Sharon D and Weathers_pc. 
on 3/16/11 1:38 am
Here's my HRRH experience. "ericaFG" can give you stats for other HRRH patients.

Referral sent by GP: October 25
Initial meeting with surgeon: November 8

Orientation: December 9
Social worker and Nutrionist appointments: January 4
Met with surgeon to sign consent forms: January 17
(I was offered a mid-February surgery date but I asked for an April date so I could schedule with my work better)
PATTS (pre-admission appointments): March 11, 2011
Surgery: April 12, 2011

At my November 8th appointment I was told to expect the process to take about 6 months. Mine could have been short as 3 months if I'd taken the first surgery date offered.

Good luck to you!
on 3/16/11 2:12 am
Hi kiddo, welcome to the site.  Everyone is very nice and helpfull.  There is also a forum for your age group if you are looking for people to chat with. See you l8ter.Mom
(deactivated member)
on 3/16/11 2:14 am, edited 3/16/11 2:15 am - Toronto, Canada
My timeline is in my signature.  The longest wait I've had was from referral to orientation.  My doc had to send in my referral 4x - he's not online so that delayed things for me because everything had to go by mail. 

After orientation, I got a call the next day to set up the other appointments.

Oh...and yes, whenever possible, they'll try and group appointments in the same day for you.  My NUT & SW appts are back to back on the same day.
on 3/16/11 3:12 am - Newmarket, Canada
July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study
Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram and Breathing Tests
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian
March 21/11 - Appt with the social worker

Find me on facebook here:
on 3/16/11 6:33 am - Ottawa, Canada


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 3/16/11 8:29 pm
Great! thanks for all the info, its really helpfull to get an idea as to when I can expect to be going through.
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