New bariatric registry in Ontario

on 3/2/11 1:41 am - Canada
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has been through the new bariatric registry yet? I know it just started in Jan 2011 and was wondering how long it take to get a call after being put in the registry?
on 3/2/11 2:28 am - Hamilton, Canada

The Ontario BR actually started last Sept/Oct.  A GP now has to refer thru the BR rather than directly to the surgeon.  The registry then figures out which hospital you will be going to and forwards your referral there.  For those who are not in an immediate catchment (i.e., Toronto, Hamilton, Guelph, Ottawa) you may get refer to an assessment centre, which takes care of all the pre-surgery requirements.  You then go to one of the few hospitals that do the surgery, then go back to the assessment centre for post-op follow-ups.

The length of time to get the orientation call depends completely on where  you're referral was sent, as each hospital has its own wait time issues.  Some can get the call in less than a month, some take 4 - 6 months (some even more).  You may get the call in 3 weeks, but have to wait 2 months for the orientation meeting.

EricaFG has a list that she maintains showing referral to wait times for all the hospitals.



Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


Diana B.
on 3/2/11 2:34 am
RNY on 07/20/12
I was put on the list in December and just received my invite to the info session yesterday. It was a lot quicker than I expected! But from what I hear, it depends on the area you're in.
Megan M.
on 3/2/11 2:45 am - Canada
I'm at the assessment centre in Thunder Bay.  I had orientation session beginning of October, and first clinic meetings Oct. 30.  All testing is done, file should hit Hamilton by next week, so now I wait for the big phone call!  Looking at the timelines that others are posting, it almost seems to be about a year from start to finish (surgery).  And apparently that's the Ministry target - 1 year.
on 3/2/11 2:52 am - Canada
Wow that was pretty fast! I guess you will have to travel down here for your surgery?
Megan M.
on 3/2/11 2:58 am - Canada
Yes, my understanding is that everyone coming out of Thunder Bay has surgery in Hamilton - not sure if we get placed anywhere else.  I'm going to look at it as a vacation to an elite spa!  Can't wait.
on 3/2/11 3:09 am - Canada
Good way to look at it!!
on 3/2/11 2:46 am - Canada
thanks for replying! I am not sure where I will be referred to I live in Orangeville, so it could be Humber or Guelph I guess?

I am not sure where the wait times are posted? Could you post a link? :)

I would love to have the surgery done b4 September because it will be hard to get time off work in the fall. But I will do what I have to to help my health :)
on 3/2/11 3:29 am - Canada
You will be very lucky if you get surgery before September. I have been waiting a year and I have one appointment left(surgeon) the I get the date. I'm not sure if you know the process. There is several appointments you have to do, every center is different and every individual will require different steps. Basic appointments are
Nutrition class
Nutrucinist one on one
Social worker
The center that you get reffered to also makes a difference. Toronto Western General moves pretty fast for example where Humber river hospital doesnt. Give the registry a few weeks then call them and ask which center you were reffered to. This way it will be easier for you to determine a time line. You can also do a posting on this sight to see if anyone from the same town has done and where they were reffered to? The waiting is one of the hardest things to do.

Referal  to Humber River February 28, 2010
Questionaire July 14, 2010
Transfered to Toronto Westen General September 3, 2010
Orientatio November3, 2010
Nurse and social Worker January 26, 2011
Dietician and Nutrition Class February 2, 2011
Psych February 4, 2011
Surgeon March 11, 2011
Surgery March 28, 2011 TWH 
on 3/2/11 4:24 am - Sudbury, Canada
Don't forget the endoscope, colonoscopy (if you are over 40), ultrasound, bloodwork, sleep study, internist and surgical education class right before surgery.  There's alot of hoops to jump through but it will be worth it!  

Good luck to you! :)

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