A picture of Toppik in action

on 7/14/10 1:08 am - Ottawa, Canada

I've posted about Toppik a few times when there is a post about hair loss. I know a few of you have tried it and are happy with it.

In the scheme of life, I always felt a little silly being so fixated on my scalp showing but it bothered me a great deal and when I went out, felt it was a like a beacon that everyone was looking at. No matter how nice I thought I looked, in my mnd, it was wiped out by my ugly hair. Part of the problem is that most of my life I had thick, straight gorgeous hair, the hair dressers used to complain. Then when I started yo-yo dieting and it would fall out, it would come back much thinner and a completely different texture - frizzie! Part of it is that I also started to turn gray at a very early age (25) which also changed it's texture. So my hair was already very thin on top before surgery. There are all kinds of other factures that could be involved like genes and hormones but where I used to look a skinny people with such envy, now I look at people with nice hair that way. Sigh, how shallow is that!

You can buy Toppik at www.fabove.ca/Toppik-Hair-Fibers-Large.html which is a Canadian source but there may be cheaper US sources. It comes in 8 colours so you might have to buy 2 to mix & match your own hair colour. It's tiny little fibres that you sprinkile on your head, it sticks to your scalp and hair, makes it look much fuller and stays until you shampoo your hair. It comes in 3 sizes, I bought the $49 one, it's lasting several months but it would depend on how often you shampoo.

Anyway, I thought I'd post a picture of what Toppik looks like when you use it. They are not the best pictures but you get the idea.

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on 7/14/10 1:49 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
I purchased Toppik on your recommendation, and I am using it, but still don't seem to get results like the ones shown above.  I don't think I can be doing it wrong...how much more simple can it be?  LOL

I was having trouble with thinning and frizzy hair for about a year and a half before my surgery.  I had seen a dermatologist who said it was genetic and prescribed Monoxodil 5%.  I began using that and my hair stopped falling out so quickly and it actually seemed to be getting better (new growth).  Then I had surgery and my hair was falling out in handfuls again.  People were saying that their hairloss didn't start until about month 3, but mine started after about a month.  I continued to use the monoxodil but the hair loss continued and not it is so thin (although not yet as thin as the picture shown above)  So I bought the Toppik.  I think it looks better...my scalp doesn't show through my hair, which definitely looks better from a distance.  But in all the pictures and video I see, people with very thin hair look like they have hair again...and mine isn't doing that.  And sometimes it looks splotchy, so I get self conscious and wonder if maybe it is obvious to other people.  I am short (almost 5'2") so most people are taller than be and can see the top of my head. 

Can you tell me if I am doing something wrong...how I can get better results....what your results are like?

I'm hoping that by taking my protein, and my vitamins, and using the Monoxodil that eventually I will start to grow some hair back...but I'm so afraid that I won't.  And maybe people will think that is shallow, but it is a really huge deal in my opinion.
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on 7/14/10 5:11 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Lori, I too tried and loved the Toppik. I also started taking Biotin daily and I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but the hair loss has almost stopped and I have quite a bit of new growth on top.

Michelle    6' 1"

itsmytimenow is my 

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"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." (Jim Rohn)            
on 7/14/10 10:42 am - Ottawa, Canada
Hi Lori

Sound like a similar hair situation to me before surgery - frizz city!. I think the regrowth doesn't really start until 7 months or so, I'm just starting to see some now and my hair loss has finally slowed.

As for the Toppik, I would have thought that as long as you have a good colour match to your own hair and sprinkle it evenly on, it should work. I put it on after I have dried and styled my hair, and just lift up segments at a time to shake it on. I know sometimes if I've had the container upside down in a travel bag or something, it will come out too quickly at first and can be a little uneven. If too much goes in one spot I just keep sprinkling the other areas until they match. I usefully spray hair spray on afterwards just to keep my hair in place, it's so wispy, it never stays in place, that probably helps to keep the Toppik on as well.

As my daughters keep telling me, "No one notices but you Mom" and they are probably right!

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