Wiki-wls: Newbies guide to the galaxie - post-op
Post Date: 11/30/09 7:33 pm
This thread is from the VSG forum but it has a lot of good points that emphasizes the importance of not drinking with your meals that would apply to any surgery type. No-Drink-Food-Combo/
This thread is from the VSG forum but it has a lot of good points that emphasizes the importance of not drinking with your meals that would apply to any surgery type. No-Drink-Food-Combo/
Short Forms
AMOS | Association for Morbid Obesity Support |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BF | Boyfriend |
BI | Breast Implants (PS Term) |
BIL | Brother In Law |
BL | Belt Lipectomy (PS Term) |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BT | Butt Tuck (PS Term) |
BTDT | Been There. Done That. |
BTW | By The Way |
CBL | Circumferential Body Lift (PS Term) |
CC | Carb Countdown (product brand name) |
DD | Dear/Darling Daughter |
DH | Dear/Darling Husband/Hubby |
DIL | Daughter In Law |
DS | Dear/Darling Son or Duodenal Switch |
DW | Dear/Darling Wife |
FBL | Full Body Lift |
FF | Fat Free |
FIL | Father In Law |
GF | Girlfriend |
GL | Good Luck |
GMTA | Great Minds Think Alike |
GTG | Got To Go |
HTH | Hope This/That Helps |
IMHO | In My Honest Opinion |
JK | Just Kidding |
LBL | Lower Body Lift (PS Term) |
LMAO | Laughing My A$$ Off |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
MIL | Mother In Law |
MUAH | Sound that a kiss makes |
NP | No problem |
NSV | Non Scale Victory (ie can fit in an airline seat, exercising more ...) |
OFF | Over Fifty Forum (BMI Over 50) |
OH | Obesity Help |
OMG | Oh My God |
OT | Off Topic (not related to weight loss or obesity issues) |
PB | Productive Burp |
PCOS | Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome |
PITA | Pain In The A$$ |
PMP | Peeing My Pants |
RL | Real Life |
ROFL | Rolling On Floor Laughing |
ROFLMAO | Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off |
RT | Real Time |
SV | Scale Victory (ie reached a weight goal) |
SMTO@U | Sticking My Tongue Out At You |
SF | Sugar Free |
SIL | Sister/Son In Law |
TBC | To Be Continued |
TL | Thigh Lift (PS Term) |
TMI | Too Much Information |
TT | Tummy Tuck (PS Term) |
TTFN | Ta-Ta For Now |
TTYL | Talk To You Later |
TY | Thank You |
TYVM | Thank You Very Much |
WB | Welcome Back |
WTG | Way To Go |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary |
YW | You're Welcome |
Just wanted to let you guys know about a wonderful product (that even Dr Oz talked about on his show). It's called Toppik and it is sort of like a microfibre that you sprinkle on your head wherever you have scalp showing. It clings to your hair and really works at filling in the gaps. I feel so much better about how I look after using this.
It comes in 8 shades, if one of them does not match your hair, you can buy 2 different colours to combine. It is not cheap, it ranges in price from $27 to $89 depending on size, you probably don't need the giant size one, your hair will have grown back before you can use it all. I got the large economy size for $49, suppose to last 75 days. There are products they sell to spray on your hair before and after but I don't think they are necessary, seems to work fine and stay on without it.
You may be able to get it cheaper on eBay or somewhere in the states. I bought it from a Canadian site
I highly recommend it.
I've also bought a scalp colouring product from the Shopping Channel, it was cheap and worked to tone down the contrast between hair and scalp but I would definitely go with Toppik if you can afford it.