Hi everyone, I'm home. 5 days post-op
Hi everyone. I had my surgery, open RNY, on May 1st. There were some complications post-op. I had some internal bleeding & my blood pressure went pretty low, then my blood count went low and my doctor almost gave me a transfusion. I had a fever of 101.6 for several days, but white blood cell count was good- so he didn't worry about infection. My surgery was Monday & I was released from the hospital on Friday.
I guess I read so many people's posts about sailing through surgery & feeling so good they did not even believe they had surgery and shopping at Walmart the next day, that I did not prepare myself for the possibility of feeling this bad after surgery. My stomach is very bloated and uncomfortable.
I don't want to scare anyone, but it's important to tell the truth. I feel pretty bad still & I definitely know when it is time for pain medication still. I've been walking short distances and trying to sip, sip, sip. It seems impossible to get in enough fluids.
I am not hungry at all, but head hunger is still there. Like when I see my family eating pizza or all the food comercials, I think, "Man I would love to chew something.", but I'm really not hungry for it.
I want to thank everyone on the Ohio board for your support through all this. Thanks Michelle and Chris for posting updates for me.
Time to get back in the Lazy-boy.
Love y'all,
I had a hard time myself. My first month was very hard. I felt weak and light headed and tired all the time. Beleive me it does get so much better. The first month is the hardest. I didnt get all my energy until my 6th week. Your going to do great
Glad your home and doing well.
Hugs your way
Hi Darlene, I feel like I dropped the ball, but I was glad to see your post. Sorry that you had that complication, hope all is ok now. I was happy to get to meet you when you were in the hospital. (And your family) Sorry you don't feel quite as well as you might have hoped, but I am sure that this will improve. Please keep in touch and let me know what is happening with you, I will be there to support you as much as I can! Chris
I am glad to see you are home, and sorry for all the complications. I haven't had my surgery yet so im so thankfull for your honesty, ive read a lot about how the first month is the worst, but that was in a book and with a real person who just went through it tells you their experience it sure does help.. thank you
God bless you and take care sending you hugs too.

Darlene: I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op and feel pretty lousy myself. I thought I would have more energy by now, I too had heard those stories. It must be like when you have a baby and a month later you foget about the pain. At least I hope that is what it is. I believe in being honest too. I have been graduated to the step 3 diet and having trouble keeping anything but cottage cheese in me. Sometimes I get so thirsty, I miss guzzling a big glass of ice water. Water doesn't sit well with me so I do drin**** tea and crystal light. It's hard to be patient, but we can do this together! I have lost 25# since 4/19, so that's a positive! It's funny I watch the food channel all day but don't really get hungry. Sometimes a commerical will get me going but it passes pretty quick. I have to confess I did try some pizza topping on Friday and it settled ok, and was satisfied with the craving after 2 bites.
Watching the food channel has really improved my cooking and I fixed a huge meal for my family tonight and was satisfied watching them enjoy it. I' m going to make everyone else fat!!! Take Care, Melisa
Ihad a lap RNY on 3/13 and it took me 6 weeks to get rid of the nausea. I fell fantastic now and I have lost 81 lbs so fa. I cannot eat sugar, soda, any tyype of chocoltae (even sugar-free) or I get nauseous.
I drink tons of water and iced tea with Trulemon.
Pasta is tough because I eat until I feel full then when it sits in my puch and gets wet it expands and I get an upset stomach.
I cannot eat anything that is "dry"..Well done hamburger and steak as well as pork and doughy breads get "stuck" and I get sick a few minutes later.
Hang in there... 90% of the pople I have spoken to get better after 6 weeks.
I wish I were dead during week 5 and once I het week 6 I was a new person.
Today I feel GREAT !!!