It's official & OMG!
Amazing how fast life can turn from what we know it, to whole new world!
It's official,
I have a Granddaughter,
she was born on June 16, 2003 at 1:16 pm. Lexi Lynn
Yes she'll be 3 years old already, the mother of my Granddaughter would not go do DNA, so my son pursued it. He is an outstanding man, God love him for all the good in his heart. A lot of men would just walk away in this situation, but not my Daniel.
My son actually found out about 2 weeks ago the results, but he kept it mum from his Mom! He wanted time to get to know Lexi before he brought the rest of his family in her life. Fair.
He knew he was getting her today until Sunday, so he had told me on Easter I have your birthday present Mom, but I can't give it to you until Wednesday, is that ok? What choice did I have?
I asked him then on Sunday, did you get the results back? He said no with a big shyt eating grin on his face. Today while I was taking my younger son Nick to his appt, I told Nick, I know your brother's going to show up with that baby today. Then I started thinking.. your house is not child proof anymore. Oh well..
She's outgoing & outspoken, a little OCD & loves to clean already..
my son said, well she's like you Mom.
How I haven't taught her anything yet!
Ok her eye's are closed, but our 1st official Grammy & Lexi photo is on my profile!
Love & hugs, I just had to share!

Well Vickie you don't know how true your first line is....
I went into your profile to see the picture and decided to reread your profile, since you are (were) so much like me it's scary.. And I saw where you wrote to all the senators and such and I decided that I would write to mine to see if he could light a little fire under Medicaid's rear end and I called the doctor to see if that would be okay to them and she told me to wait a minute and came back on the phone and said they had the Medicaid list there and there was an A after my name...You know what that means?????? I'm approved.....I am not letting myself get too excited (well, a little****il they get the actual letter...and call me...Then again there is probably some other Debbie Brown that submitted at the same time and it's her....not me...But for this weekend I am in a better mood than I've been in in about a year or two.....I'd dance if I could get up on these legs...but I can't...So I will just sit here and let my fingers sing and dance...Well I'm on to the main board to post my hopes...
I wish you all the best with your new grandaughter. I have one that just turned three... Totally different than children...And they tell the most amazing stories about life....What kind of things does she like?? Christmas will be so different now....
Take care!
You got an A!
GOOD I hope your the only Debbie Brown that is on that list for now! Your Dr might still have to light the fire for them to send the actual letter, once my PCP's office knew I was approved, Medicaid faxed it to them, then in turn they faxed it to me. To hold that peice of paper was definitely the top! Then I had mixed emotions.. mostly the
Let's get on with this!
Thanks Debbie, she'll be 3 on June 16, yeah so totally different, I can spoil this one and send her on home
What kind of things does she say? She says everything... she's smart as a tack, opinionated and outspoking already. She's in a bit of confusion right now, she's met a lot of "new" family in the last couple days. A lot, I have 5 siblings, we all have children, my sister who lives closer to my son is a daycare provider with a ton of kids and my sister is watching her for the 3 hours between my sons shift & when his g/f gets off work. So yeah lots of new people! She finally puts a name to me.. I am Grammy.
Thanks again Debbie!

Thanks Margo! I agree she is a cutie
I've spent 3 afternoons with her this week, I think she knows "who" I am.. but not sure of everyone else she has met this week. There's always been a bunch of other family around, I can't wait to spend alone time with her to build our bond.
and Thanks again, I look at myself everyday
anything specific I should be looking for? O those... gone, gave up looking.. even a push up laughs at me
love & hugs,

Thanks Barb!
I hope the next one isn't for a while
Although the above mentioned sons girlfriend is getting real antsy to start their family. He told her no babies until they have a house and are more settled. Then he said he'd like to be married, but hasn't proposed to the girlfriend yet. He's in no hurry! He's so mature for his age, turned 20 yesterday. I am very proud of him.
And my youngest better not even think about children or the making of them yet *sigh* well I know he thinks about "doing the deed". He's just 14 so
for a while let's pray.
I am going to enjoy this.. spoil, send home
hugs, Vickie

LOL !!!!! Spoil them and send them home is the best way. My daughter graduates beauty andf manager school at the end of the month. I hope I can send them all to a home then. LOL But I will trruly miss them. They have lived here since they was born. My oldest grandson is 8 . So it will be nice to have my house back. Your going to have a best friend. And you vcan teach her so much about life. It is a blast. But again costly/.