I am 11 months post op. For the last 3-4 months I am having troubles having a BM. I have called my surgeon, I have been to ER, I have used every laxative out there, I have eaten prunes and prune juice, used fleets enemas and suppositories, taken prescription lactalose, benefiber, metamucil, more fluids, more fiber.
When I went to ER 2 weeks ago.. they found nothing in my xray. I had a BM before I went so that is why they found nothing. Which was good, but I am now 2 weeks from having a BM again. When I do they are painful, I feel sick at my stomach, I get sweaty, and feel faint.
I just went to see my surgeon this Monday. They want me to do a colon cleanser which is a 3 week regimen. My colonoscopy is not until May 25th. I just feel that nobody is listening to me. What do I do in the meantime while I have no BMs. I am miserable here... whats wrong with me? I am as hard as a rock right now and look 5 months pregnant.
Anybody have any ideas or suggestions? My husband and I think they should admit me.. get me flushed out.. and do tests to find out why I am not going.
Thanks for letting me vent....
Hi Julie,
Sorry ur having so much problems, I have dealt with the same issue since surgery, I have tried about everything u ahve with no luck, I did just start drinking coffee...(which i never have in my life) because my hubby says its a natural stimulant, and u know what? It has worked for me, I have been going daily and some days more then once, which has been such a blessing because I was waiting 5-10 days in between BM's and it sucked, I do drink caffene which is suppose to be a stimulant as well, and I drink it with reg sugar and creamer........its 2:08pm and I'm sitting here drinking some as we if u don't drink it, which i hope u don't then try it and hopefully it will work for u too!!
Good luck and let me know!!!
I am not a coffee drinker. However I do like Starbucks every once in a while. I spoke to a friend of mine who is a nurse, she told me to get in touch with my PCP. I am just scared I am going to blow like I did 2 weeks ago and ended up in ER. The pain was terrible.
My PCP is out today, but I am calling tomorrow.
I will keep in touch.
Thanks to you and Barb for your thoughts.
Love ya
I've had similiar problems. I can't say I've corrected it yet, but I talked with a personal trainer last night and she told me that I should try Nature's Way, Thisilyn Cleanse. She told me that after all the years of eating sugar and white flour, our intestines get coated with something that kills off the cilica (sp?) in our intestines. She told me I could be impacted with 10 lbs or more of undigested foods. She knew I had gastric bypass in 8/04 and said this is a mild cleanser but that it would definitely clean me out. I'm going to try it Saturday morning. Should be a nice weekend
I absolutely hate how my tummy area feels when I think I have to go - and I'm tired of going every 3-4 days.
I really feel for you and hope things get better soon!

Julie - I had another thought. You really should have Dr. Mikami call you - tell his nurse you NEED him. He'll call you personally - he's a great doctor and very caring. I can't understand why he's not rushing you into your colonoscopy. I know an endoscopy in not as extenstive as the colonoscopy - but when I called him, he had me in at OSU in a lick to have one done (I think it was 2 days if I'm not mistaken).
Please let us know how you are doing. This situation can't go on much longer - and you have to be very proactive about it.