I need a shoulder :(
Im not sure, i called my insurance and they said i needed a referal i just assumed it was from my pcp, but i going to my pain management doc on monday and i'll ask him if he will and i also see my neurosurgieon 5/16 and i'll ask him too.
thank you for you coments too.
this board has helped out a lot

Speaking from experience with the bad back it will be easier to lose the weight first than having the surgery. I have herniated disc from L1 to S2 and spinal stenosis. I have already had one back surgery and was looking at another one before having WLS. Right now I have no pain in my back or any problems at this time. Later on I could have to have surgery but I am taking one day at a time and enjoying being able to exercise and taking a walk. I hope for you you can experience this pain free. I would go to another doctor and start from the beginning like everyone else has suggested. I have had the fears that you have expressed. I also still have some of the fears after losing the weight. You need to find a doctor that is knowledgable about WLS because the statement that your PCP made is a ignorant statement about the surgery. Good luck on the rest of your journey.
I cant wait to be pain free, and i think that is also driving me more towards the wls first, because if im going to have to have back surgery i don't ever want to ruin it and if i don't have the wls i know thats just exactly what i'll do..
I tried so hard to convay that to my pcp yesturday but to no use, i am going to try and get a referal from my paing management doc on monday and also from the neurosurgieon next month 5/16.. I sure pray they will refer me and stick up for me with my insurance too.. that would be great.
thank you so much for your support and coments, like i said to everyon else, you guys have been great thanks

hi paula i live a little north of you and my parents have both had back surgeries with dr/ donnich. i'm not sure of extact spelling. but yes i have to agree with everyone loosing weight before what sounds like could be majog back surgery would help you a greaet deal!!!!!!!!! i went to steubenville hospital for there trim for life program and had a VERY successfull surgery outcome. would love to talk to you about there program and such if you would like to hear about about it!!! i'm also getting married in may to a wonderful man i met that is from the your area and i'm always down there and would like to meet and have some coffee or what ever you like. let me know. i'm having some health issues right now with my heart and the doctors are driving me absoulutely crazy because "to many cheif" syndrome if you know y=what i mean. email me privately and we can exchange phone numbers. take care and have a blessed easter hopefully you won't have to much pain and i don't have to much problems with this little problem i have going on. jennifer from akron/canton.
I would love to get together for coffee.. and hear about the trim for life program. i'll email you my number. And Dr Donich is one of the neuro surgeons that i will be seing on the 16th of May.. it will be at mercy where i'll see him at.. i sure do know what you mean about having to many chiefs...
Congratulations on the marriage, i don't know what i would do with out my husband..
thank you so much this site sure has been a blessing to me