Anyone planning to go to PA in May? I am definately going to KY in October. But, I would really like to see/hear Dr. Hurwitz.
PS - Giving a special shout out to my peeps - Papa C, Mama Erin, Cindy (queen C-vivor), Missy B, Cathy (my weight loss sister), Julie L, Barb the Bengal, fellow Junebugs, and anyone else I have forgotten. - Much love!
hi Sharyn, im sorry my message has nothing to do with the conferences, but you were the first profile that I saw when I first came to the board and I was wondering if you have any new pictures! 190 from 307 with only a 40 bmi!!! wow thats amazing!! Congradulations
I also have medical mutual as well and was wondering if you could tell me about your experience with them and whether you had any trouble.

Hi Chanay
I feel so honored that you saw my profile first. And, ashamed since I haven't done a darn thing with it. You are sooooooo right, I have to work on the picture thing. I promise to do it ASAP. Or, at least have my sister do it for me.
As far as Med Mutual goes, they like you to have precise documentation. I didn't have exaclty what they wanted, so I appealed while I was going to see my doctor every month. So, witht he appeals coupled with my comorbidites, and seeing my doctor every month, they knew they would loose an outside review and reversed their decision. So, don't give up, even if they say no. But, if you have your ducks in a row 1st, they "shouldn't" say no.
I'll update soon - I promise
Hi Sharyn!!
Long time, no hear lady! I am contemplating going to the one in KY in October. I'll have an itty bitty baby at that time, which shouldn't be an issue as the grandparents would give up their left leg to have him/her for a day, but I guess I am waiting to see how the subject matter shakes out. I felt like an outsider at the Cincinnati conference in August, being a band patient and not an RNY-er. ALL of the plastic surgeons and psychologists and exercise gurus said, repeatedly, during their presentations "when you're an RNY patient...." "After your RNY surgery" "Gastric bypass patients tend to..." Several of us band patients were sitting together and all pretty much feeling the same way... It was as if no one knew the lap band existed! So, we'll see, I'd like for that to change - but I'd also love to see everyone again and may make a trip just for that reason!
I hope you are doing fabulous and I am with the others - SHOW US SOME NEW PICS WOMAN!!

Hey Missy B
I'm soooo sorry you felt like an outsider. If it makes you feel any better, i was extremely happy to get to meet you. And I do hope you'll come 'case I'm dying to see you again. But, I'm going to want to see my new niece or nephew. So, make sure you bring LOTS of pictures. ( Oh, did I mention the P word - I'll ge on it).
Hey Melissa
You are absolutely right about the Cinci conference having nothing for the lapband patients and I take all the blame for that!! That will change in Kentucky...I have been spending alot of time learning about lapband, observing surgery, attending nutrition and education classes, observing fills and talking to many patients....This conference will have anywhere from 8 to 10 classrooms going at a time. I want a very strong program for both banders and bypass patients.
any suggestions send me an email...I will certainly take any suggestions to the docs who are very active in putting this together.
Hey Brenda,
I certainly didn't mean to blame anyone and I definitely don't think it's anyone's fault! I am sorry if it came off that way. It's amazed me how much more popular the band has become in the last year and I think (and hope) that a lot of the professionals we deal with are more aware of it as an option now. You certainly couldn't be held responsible for writing their presentations for them, so in no way is it your fault! But thank you for being so open to suggestions! I think the KY event will be great!

Oh no Melissa...I didn't take it that way at all...I did honestly feel bad about lapband-- I just didn't know enough then, I am very proud of the work I have been doing and even more proud of the way this event will turn out.
I am also honestly asking for suggestions. If there is a subject that you have a strong interest in, please send to me..I will do my best to see a good lapband program. this event is about the patients and for the patients...I think you should have a voice, when going into the meetings I want to represent all of us..banders and bypass !..