Introducing myself/ Hoping to get surgery!
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and just thought I'd inttoduce myself, because I plan on making big changes in my life through this site and the surgery that I'm hoping to be approved for.
My name is Bethany and I'm 18... I know, I know... everyone tells me I'm too young for a surgery like the Gastric Bypass, but I've put a lot of thought into it, for almost three years now.
My mom, grandma and aunt have all had it done and were all successes. As you can tell, obseity runs in the family, and along with it, all the probelms. Heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, breathing problems... I don't want to die young. I had an aunt die at the age of 38 from weight-related issues. I really, really, do not want that for myself.
I've finally decided that I for sure want the surgery because I've been sick for seven months now, and have been told that my immune system isn't working the way it should because of my obesity. Not only that, but I'm too young to be worring about my health the way I do and would like to live life the way any healthy teenager should.
I've been overweight since... about the time I hit puberty (lol), and quiet frankly, I'm tired of it.
The way I see it is that I will be going off to college in the fall and want a fresh start, with a new look, that will make me more confident in what I choose to do. There's really no sense in waiting. I'm miserable now, and need help now.
And yes, I've struggled with dieting and excersize for a long while. I'll lose weight, gain it back, lose it... I'm sure you guys know how that works.
My mom used to post on these boards and told me that the support she got here was one of the best things about going through this.
I can't wait to talk to some of you and hopefully make some friends!

Hi, Bethany!
Actually I think you are being a whole bunch wiser than I was. Why wait and suffer through possibly diabetes, heart problems, and myriad of other health issues if you can get On the Wagon now. I sure wish I had known about this surgery years ago. It is too late for me to go back but I surely pray this does for you all that you hope.
Barbara G.

Hi Bethany,
Welcome to the boards!! I'm proud that you are taking the steps NOW to take care of this, for I"m sure most of us wish we wouldn't have waited so long to have the surgery.........I feel I really missed alot of living since age 22 till 32, which is what I was right before I say "YOU GO GIRL" and good luck!! If you need anything just email me or post here on the boards,..........but please let us all know how your process is going! Your a beautiful girl!!