Ann Dee??????
Barb soo glad you were able to get some quality time in with the hubby. Military Wife is one of the hardest jobs and yes i said job. Its tough sometimes congrats to both of you.
Also just wanted to let you know there is a support group on the 30th of March i believe that is in community center here in the prairies housing area. I dont know if you would be interersted or not but wanted to send out the invite to you to come. Its of course military related and is nice to talk to people who live a similar life with hubbies here and there. Ill double check the date and time if you are interersted.
Tammy O
are you guys at Dayton Airforce Base? my brother is a Master Chief and stationed there, he just retired but it doesn't take effect until Oct..which is kinda cool because my daugther is getting married July 15th, her soon to be hubby is in Iraq, he will be home 3 days before the wedding then goes back a week later. My son is a jet pilot, the best man is also in the military and the grooms uncle is an officer (colonel, I thnk)..with so many military men my daughter decided she wanted them in uniform for the wedding, it will be so awesome!!
I have been to Dayton AFB many many times, just spent the weekend there during the holidays, always have a great time..
My husband was in the navy for 10 years he was out for 10 years and just last year went into the airforce reserves. Because he missed it and wanted to get his retirement. Plus he wants more education. My dad is retired airforce. That is how I eneded up in Dayton. We live in Enon Ohio. 10 minutes from the base. The wedding sounds beautiful. A jet pilot wow. I use to date a jet pilot when I was younger. He was a player. So I ended things. God I like that guy. So sexy. My dad wanted to retire in ohio, we have been everywhere. The town I live in is real relaxed. Most neighbores are retired airforce. I love Enon. But it was fun getting to a big city,
Take Care
I don't know where Enon is, my brother lived in Beavercreek (they still own the house but rent it to military guys who are activated at Wright Patt, so they can bring there families for weekends, etc.)
He and his wife just finished building a house in Wilmington..
My son flies a jet for the Coast Guard..he attended the Academy, he is also a pilot instruction (I am not proud...yea right) lol
he is now stationed at Air station Miami and flies back and forth to Gitmo and Puerto Rico, etc. (life is tuff) his job is to search for ships in trouble, illegal aliens and drug runners. He will be promoted this summer to Lt. biggest disappointment is that he has been married for 6 yrs and has to yet to make me a grandmother!!! dang it!
my daughter promises they will be pregnant within a year after Rob returns home from Iraq..God love her she will not disappoint me..LOL
Yes my hubby is stationed at WPAFB. We actually live in base housing right now but are looking at other options. I am originally from Indiana and my husband is from Iowa so we put in for Ohio and Nebraska as our first two choices and walah i got my first choice as usual. lol We like the area for the most part and are thinking of staying here for a bit we will see how it all goes.
Take care.
The wedding sounds awesome!!!!
I go to Dr Bruces support group meetings. I didnt know they had them on base. What are they like. I am glad your living in the better on base housing. The old housing was bad. Are you talking about omaha neb, My sister husband was stationed there. I would move near a air force base that will never close down. I think the base out there is like a sac base. Kind of small. That is the only base I can think of in nebraskas. Nebraska is beautiful. But the tornados scare me. Wow the storms out there are scary. all the trees are shaped funny because of the storms.
I hate storms
Enon is the third exit past beavercreek on 675. A really small to town.Your daughter will get you that grandbaby. You will have the honor of spoiling those grandbabies. Your son seems to be very in control of his life. You seem to have wonderful children.
Soon you will have your bundles of joy. Your daughter will not let you down.
My dad one brother and brother in law are retired Navy..Dad spent most of his in the reserve. He still goes to a meeting a month .. My sister, Diane and family just moved to Columbus from Mississippi a year before Katrina... the complex they were in is gone... Her husband retired just in time. They would have lost everything...
My dad drives to Wright Pat once a month to pick up perscriptions..
I know Enon... just don't remember why I was there... I think for my daughter for a meeting for the Methodist Church youth, years ago...But I do pass it on my way to Dayton or Cincinnatti! I agree, small town life is great, but it is fun to get away to a metropolis for fun..
My husband loved the navy. He wanted to go in the army national guard. I was 100 percent against that. I said are you crazy or asking for a death sentence. So we agreed on the air force for the reserves. He loves the military life style. Enon is small. I sleep safe at nights knowing that.
Pam when is your surgery.