any input would be wonderful
got a question for everyone ... looks like hubbys insurance might be changing apr 1st to united health care .. anyone care to share any info about them i would totally appreciate it ... also i am in the middle of approval with the previous insurance will i have to start over completely ??? thanks Missy

This can be good news for you. As long as there is no exclusion to WLS, working with UHC is a piece of cake. They will covery ANY procedure you want, even DS or LapBand.
Checklist of what you need:
Note from doctor stating you weight, BMI, recent weight loss attempts, and stating their support for your surgery.
Psych Evaluation -- Lots of fun!
Now, hopefully, whoever submitted for approval kept copies and can send them to another doctor if need be. Check '' to see if your chosen surgeon is in network. My out of pocket expenses maximum for the year was $1500 on my UHC PPO.
Thanks everyone for the info i am really hoping this is a good thing our current insurance co has been screwing around forever now i was resubmitted in jan after my 3 mo diet .. and i still havnt heard a yes or no from them ... i have been at this for almost a year now .. and am getting frustrated .. so i am really trying too look at this as a posative ... i got all my pre op stuff done and my surgeon and everyone at his office is on thew ball so all i need is an ok from insurance .. and i will be on my way too the loosing side so say a lil prayer for me thanks Missy