New Here
I have been lurking here for quite a while as I was getting everything in order for my insurance. It took only 4 days to be approved and my surgery is scheduled for May 5. I have to pass a stress test first from my heart doctor. I smoke and am desperately trying to quit with not much luck. Any advice out there for quitting smoking. Any good tips? Stress is a big factor here.
I don't smoke, but as for the stress, will your doctor give you prozac or something simular that will help you through this period while you quit?
I have a friend who had to quit beceuse of treatment for MS. she had a perscription device that she held in her mouth I think it had a nicotine like something in it, she looked like she was walking around with a tampon in her mouth but she said it helped her.
This was probably not at all helpful.. sorry but good luck. This is a great place to hang out and get support.

Though I have never smoked, I was a complete Pepsiholic preop. And it took everything I had to get myself unhooked.. I didnt think I had to strength to do it everyday. So I started with just being able to get through and hour or so without running to Dairy mart for a Big Gulp. And soon I was making through the days and then weeks and now months. But I have to tell you it wasnt easy and when I would see someone drinking a nice cold pepsi, I would crave one. But I knew that feeling healthy and getting thinner was more important than that moment of fizziness. I know that the urge for smoking must be 10 times stronger, but I did want to wish you all the luck in the world. And believe me praying for help to get through those tough times helped me tremendously.
You are gonne do great, and your surgery date will be my one year post op anniversary.. So here I am today coming up on 167 pounds gone forever. One half of me gone.. And you know what I dont miss that part of me one gosh darn bit.
I wish you the best of luck in your journey!!
Hi Laura
Thanks for the support. I have quit smoking at work but still have the habit at home. I'm going to try and cease the home smoking tomorrow. It's one thing in my life I regret ever starting. I too was a pepsiholic. Now I drink the "On The Go" lemonade and punch.
I read your profile and you have done wonderful. 167 lbs. in 6 mos. I just can't imagine feeling like a "normal" person. I think I feel the same way that most people here do about the surgery...very nervous about whether I will succeed or not. Just reading the board everyday and reading everyone's profiles is uplifting.
Thanks again,
Hi Pat, my name is Kim and I was a smoker. My husband and I both quit at the same time, 4 years last month. We used the patch. It was the Equate brand from WalMart. We just did the step down system and from the first day with the patch we never smoked again. Wanting to quit is half the battle. Once you make up your mind you WANT to do it then your on your way. I swear by the patch though, it was the help I needed when I was ready. It slowly weens you off of the nicotine and it's better for your body, instead of shocking it cold trukey. If you need anything just let me know. Good luck, you'll be in my prayers ~Kim~
Hey pat!
I am an "almost Quitter"
I stopped smoking in the house as afirst step. Then I stopped the "habit smoke" no smoke after waking after eatinf or even after sex. I wouldnt smoke during TV commercials, if I wanted a cig it had to be during the show I was watching. I am down to 3-6 smokes a day and getting closer to none. Of course I did gain about 12 pounds.