Brrrrrrr week end
I am ready for spring too... My flowers are up about 3 inches, it was so warm early in Feb.. I know I will fel more like getting out and walking in the Warmer weather. I got a new puppy to encourage me to get out...
I hope to walk for awhile this am before it gets too cold! Have a great time with your daughter! Children are a blessing. And if you survive her teen years you could be blessed with grandchildren someday... I love them.
Happy Skating!
Your so right. She is 10 going on 14 some day's i think. Whatever happened to that shy and inocent little girl i used to have? No more Barny, it's Zack and Cody on Disney and listening to music on her mp3 player. She is more aware of dressing in nicer out fits and we wont even start on the subject of chasing boys at recess.
Yes, dogs are great. I have a boston terrier too... He gets very excited when he sees his leash.... My new pup is a chipoo. I may have to carry him... right now, its taking him for a drag.. he refuses to walk.
My luck I would get arrested fot animal crulety, dragging him up the street!