Co-Morbidities, or lack thereof -- thoughts?
Fortunately for me, I don't have any co-morbidities. Most of my medical concerns are 'family history of...' (heart disease, breast cancer (and I do have the BRCA1 gene mutation), diabetes, etc.)
I was diagnosed w/sleep apnea 2 years ago, but have never used the CPAP. It sits on my nightstand gathering dust because I honestly sleep just fine without it, and probably wouldn't sleep a wink with it. I only had the sleep study done for WLS consideration.
I had my gall bladder removed following a major (and painful) attack 6 weeks after my daughter was born last April.
I was on Prevacid for about a year (2002-2003), but don't need it any more.
My bp is on the high end of normal, but not problematic. Last time I checked, (about 8 yrs. ago), my cholestoral was low (not just 'fine', but low!)
Oh, I do have pseudo-tumor cerebrai (ideopathic intercranial hypertension), but have been asymptomatic for about 7 years.
Will this LACK OF co-morbidities be the end of my quest for WLS? I'd always considered myself lucky to not have these problems, but now I'm afraid that my insurance company will not even consider approving me.
Soemetimes if your weight is high enough the need for co morbidities goes out the window. I had high blood pressure and pretty much that was it. I did weight over 300 lbs though and at 5' 4" thats on the highest level of the bmi scale. You should check it out with a doctor and see. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea then you have it wether you use the machine or not. Also border line numbers in blood pressure might also be considered as they probably would creep up.
Tammy O
Why not have another sleep study done? Its pointless to have that vital piece of equipment sitting there gathering dust. My doctor at the sleep study center that I went to has me come in once a year to be re-evaluated about my Sleep Apnea. I've lost almost 200 pounds and he reccomends continued use. albeit a lower setting. I'm just wondering how you can say that you have no co-morbidies when you know you have sleep apnea, borderline high blood pressure, and you haven't had your cholesterol levels checked in how long? Get thee to a doctor for a complete physical! If you are going to try and get insurance approval, you're going to have to get this stuff done any way. Good luck with your approval!

I think the sleep apnea and high blood pressure is enough. Dont let them know you dont use the machine. I am sure your sleep apnea has possible gotten worse. You need to go and get a physical. You had gallbladder disease. I am sure you have knee pain back pain bladder problems.with the weight on your bladder. No one knows your pain but you. Shortness of breath, Just think of everything that bothers you and add that with your list.
Best wishes