Rough Day
I'm not usually one to whine, but I'm having a really bad day. First off, I recently posted that I had gotten insurance approval. Well, I found that out from calling my insurance company. When I called my doctor's office, they said that my chart was on the surgeon's desk waiting for him to pick a date. Well that was the Friday before last. I called back this past Friday and the Bariatric Coordinator said that he promised he would pick a day that day. Well its Monday afternoon and no one has called me. I know this all sounds a little ridiculous. I mean after all, I've been waiting a year. What's a few more days... The problem is that I lost three months because of a paperwork fowl-up. That was partly my fault. I should never have let it go that long. But I'm frustrated. I've been living and breathing this since last January. In the past week I haven't been able to think of anything else.
Then to top it all off, my best friend saw some program on TV last night... I don't know what it was. She told me today that she doesn't think I should have the surgery. She thinks that I won't be able to handle it emotionally. I guess she thinks that all that psychological testing was for nothing. She thinks that because I am an "emotional eater" that the surgery won't really help me. I love her but good grief!! After a year of doctors appointment, sleep studies, EKGs, lab work after lab work, and finally a Psychiatrist saying its okay, there is no way I'm stopping now. I also made a promise to my mother, and I lost her this year.
I know how all this sounds and that I really need to get a grip. Its just that with the loss of my Mother, my support tree has gotten a lot smaller. I really needed my friends to understand that this is something I NEED TO DO. Its not just about looking better or even feeling better. For me its mostly about Type II Diabetes. You see I'm blind in one eye. I absolutely can't afford to have anything happen to what vision I have left. I don't want to lose the independence that I've fought so hard to maintain.
I'm sorry that this is so long. I just needed to vent. Thanks to all of you for being here! Bella
Dear Arabella
I was having a rough go of it myself. Paper work getting lost, insurance company acting like jerks, Etc, Etc. To top it all off I was getting no support for the ones I loved the most. I was at the end of my rope and ready to through in the towel. Just give up and forget all of it.
I posted here and got an amazing response.
This is a link to that post:
I put the link here so you can read it and maybe help you keep fighting the good fight.
It helped me a great deal, After reading all the responses I sit down with my wife and had serious talk. She told me that since she can't talk me out of it, even though she is still against it, that she will stand behind me and support me in my decision.
Wishing you great things. Jimmy
Just hang in there!! Everything will fall into place when you least expect it to. I remember the anticipation of the wait and it is pure hell. I nearly had a nervous break down when my insurance lost my paperwork, but they made up for it by expediting my folder once it was refaxed to them by OSU. Everything happens for a reason! Best of luck and feel free to contact me if you want to talk.
Lighter Later
Dear Bella,
First of all, what a beautiful name you have! Second, please don't feel that you have to apologize for expressing your feelings. I think most everyone here can attest to the fact that this is a major life-changing decision you have made. It takes a lot of courage, and to have it delayed can cause stress that I'm sure you don't need on top of everything else! It's OK to vent now and then--that way you don't just completely explode!!
Seriously, though, this is exactly what these boards are for--to help those who may not be getting the support they need at home. I know that makes this whole experience that much more difficult. My mother keeps telling me she doesn't think I should have the surgery and that I could lose the weight on my own if I just tried. I don't know how else to explain to her that I have tried so many times and I'm tired of failing. There are so many negative implications that come from being obese that people who have never struggled with it will never understand. The best thing to do is to simply try not to make them understand. Rather, explain to them that you are going to do what you feel is right for you and that you'd really just appreciate their love and support. If they truly care about you, they can't deny you that. I love my mom, but she can be so frustrating!! But I know that even though she doesn't want me to have this surgery, she will be right there for me every step of the way because I've stopped trying to convince her and instead have just expressed to her that I will need her there for me. I know everyone's story is different. I hope that yours will have a happy ending!! I wish you all the best. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted?
Take care of you,

I am so sorry about your mom. I lost mine last year and it is horrible. As far as emotional eating, I bet 90% of us are.I am for sure. You need this for your health at this point. I have diabetes and am off insulin totally. I was taking 100 units of insulin a day. I still take a pill but that beats shots anyday. I am running about 120 with the pill.The surgery was a great experience for me. It's not easy but with the support of this site, we will get you through it. Please do what you need to do for yourself. It's your life and you have to do what you have to do. Good luck Bella, Love,Cindy
I am sending Happy Thoughts, prayers and feeling of peacefull contentment in your decision to have the WLS your way. You have so much to lose by having the surgery and so many beautiful things to gain by losing the weight. It is a whole new world. That truly is not about looking better ( yes is it is a perk), but feeling healthier, energetic and alive again is the most incredible feeling. You will feel reborn and ready to take on the world again. Dont be afraid, and dont listen to the negative Nelly's of the world. Do this for you.. Take this leap of faith and give yourself the chance of a lifetime at a new and better life.
No Regrets Ever.. I have lost 162 pounds in 7 months and feel amazing.. I have energy and a life I thought was over for me. I was just sitting and waiting to die. Now I am ready to LIVE!!!!
Love ya
Laura from Southeast Ohio
You keep on going girl. Don't let anyone get to you. You are absolutely right about your need to do this. Just tell your friend that your mind is made up and you would appreciate her support. We're all emotional eaters to some extent. You just have to deal with it and do what your doctors office tells you to do and lose the weight. What better way to "cure" type 2 diabetes. Good luck and you know where to go for support when you need it! Chris
Hang in there! Don't let well meaning friends and family start saying things to you to make yourself start second guessing the decision that you have made. Your mother was supportive of your decision, don't lose sight of that. I think that my own mother would have been thrilled for me to have this life saving surgery. I too was just sitting around, thinking that my life was over. I firmly believe that someone has been watching over me my entire journey. Friends and family always worry about what they think of as "unneeded surgery". Mostly because they are uninformed. You've done your research, searched your soul for an answer, and made the decision that is right for you. Its not an easy road that we have taken, from making the decision, to attending seminars, to undergoing every test known to man, and pouring your heart out on those physc evaluations. Vent all you need to! We're here to support you and help in any way that we can. Emotional eater? The sight of a snickers bar still makes my eyes well up with tears! A bad day at work still makes me want to run out and eat bad foods. Yes I admit it, I AM an emotional eater! Now I just emotionally eat spinach or carrots or something that I would have never picked up in the past.
Sending many good thoughts your way for a better day today! And I'll ask my angel to keep an eye on you through your journey, although I have a feeling that your Mom will be with you every step of the way.
Best Wishes!
Happy Dancing ME!