CLevland clinic questions

on 2/1/06 10:58 pm - Marion, OH
I was wondering if someone could tell me about the program at st. vincents clevland clinic. Do you have to go threw so many weeks of classes and dieting? I know some Dr.'s you just do your testing and get approval and you can have surgery and then there is others that make you go threw strict classes and other programs before you can have the surgery. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they require. See I saw Dr Chylsta one time and I have all the testing and letters I need I just need clearence from the insurance, but I've put that on hold because my insurance is going to change and I don't know if my new insurance has him as one of the dr.'s I can go to, so I'm tring to find other Dr.'s around in case they don't cover him. But I don't want to go threw all the classes and stuff. If anyone has any information or idea's of what I should do, anything is appreciated. Thank You
on 2/2/06 4:01 am - Barberton, OH
Kim, St. V's doesn't take Medicaid. University Hospital in Cleveland does. I had my surgery there and of all the hospitals that I checked out they have the most complete program! After care is wonderful. The surgeon's and nurses are all top notch! I am so glad that I chose to have my surgery there! Sue 320/135/130 goal
on 2/2/06 7:51 am - Mentor on the Lake, OH
Sue. Can you please email me at [email protected] and tell me about UH program. What they required. How long it took. What MD you had. Thanks. John
on 2/2/06 4:40 am - Marion, OH
See, when my insurance changes, I will no longer have ohio medcaid. I was wondering what kind of program do they have. Is it one where you have to go threw different classes (i.e, dietians, Psychiatric, seminars and classes)? Dr Chylsta dosn't make you do any of that. If your insurance dosn't ask for it, then all you have to do is have your tests done, one visit to the dietian, and a letter from your dr. and psych for surgery clearence. What does the Univeristy Hospital in Clevland request? I just want to know what they MAKE you do b/4 surgery. I know sometimes with all those classes you can be almost a year out from surgery. Thanks for the help. Everyone seems so nice and careing.
on 2/2/06 7:57 am - Elyria, OH
Hi Kim! I'm going through my 'stuff' at St. Vincents preparing for surgery. I personally have to have a psych eval (history of depression and a long time ago (26 years ago!) suicide attempt), an echo cardiogram (redux and phen-fen use), notes from my MD charting two years of weights. After that, I'll have a day of pre-admission testing and meeting with the dietician, then meeting with the surgeon to go over everything and set a surgery date. I have an "easy to please" insurance company and they normally approve on a phone call in a week or less. While I was waiting for my assessment, a woman who had been at the same informational seminar as I came out and we talked for a few minutes. She has to go through a 6 month program of weight loss before her insurance will approve. St. V's is very knowledgable about many insurance plans and will make sure you have what is required before you are approved for the surgery. I had my assessment on Tuesday (1/31) and as long as we can get everything together, they think I'll be approved before April! My coordinator said as soon as she sees the psych eval cross her desk, she'll start scheduling everything else. Hope that helps you some. Melissa
on 2/2/06 11:16 am - Barberton, OH
Kin, UH will have you do a psych evaluation...most insurance companies require them. Also they will have you do a sleep study.... Once you are approved from your insurance they have you come up 2 different times before surgery. The first visit is a chest xray, pulmonary function test and then you will talk to the surgeon, dietician, and nurses about the surgery and your eating after surgery. The 2nd time up is about 2 weeks prior to your surgery and you have blood work, urnine test, and a ekg.......back up to Learner tower and sign consent for surgery forms..... They also require you to go to at least one pre-op meeting. They are held on the first Monday of the month so there will be one next week. You have to call and leave them your name and how many will attend. The meeting starts @6. They will go over all that your insurance requires of you to be approved so each person may have to do different things. One of the things that they will have you do is a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea.... The thing I like the most about the program at UH is that it is a program! How many pre-op or post-op meetings have all the surgeons, nurses, dietician, psych nurse, insurance person...etc. come to all the meetings? I think that says volumes about the program! They really care about you...know you by name....and talk to you like a real person! up from $$ either! I have a $10 co-pay and that is all I paid! They don't have the $250 on up processing fee like the other hospitals in the area. I am so glad that I have my surgery at University Hospita! Sue
Denise H.
on 2/4/06 12:05 am - Parma, OH
Sue: I had my surgery done at Northern Ohio Bariatrics in Parma and we have our support group meetings the first monday of every month also.. And like University Hospital our nutritionist's and nurses come to all of our meetings too. I prefer the personalization that I have experienced on my journey with the center. My center is not really small and unheard of but I feel as if all are family. Denise
on 2/2/06 11:17 am - Barberton, OH
Kim, One other thing....they have had their program for over 8 years now...and have performed over 900 surgeries. Sue
on 2/2/06 8:56 am - Elyria, OH
Kim, I agree with sue about university hospitals.I called them and they told me over the phone what i would need to get approved from insurance.I think the only things that the hospital makes you do is get pre admission testing done ( blood work) plus visit the pulmonary specialist just to make sure you shouldnt have any problems with breathing during the surgery unless they made me do it because i have sleep apnea. the only other thing they want you to do is goto a support group meeting before surgery. Rich W
on 2/2/06 10:30 am - Marion, OH
I just want to thank everyone for the help and input, it really has been helpful. I was wondering if anyone could give me more information about the University Hospital, a phone # and who to contact. Maybe some of the Dr.'s you like. You can e-mail me directly @ [email protected]. Thank You again, everyone is so nice and helpful, it makes this process a little easier!!
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